I am (soon to be) woman - hear me roar!!
I'm bursting with pride right now. Watching the American women's teams take the gold in soccer, softball, basketball ... beach volleyball. I'm sure there is more, but these come to my mind immediately. I really feel the urge to cry (I wonder if PMS is approaching, cripes). But, I am so overwhelmed with not only national pride, but pride in my gender - the fairer sex that we are - and their determination to win. They have not only outstanding physical ability, but they've worked their tight little asses off to be the best. They worked as teams and not individuals. They have shown what America is all about.
But, I'm also proud for that little girl from Afghanistan who ran pretty much covered head to toe. I'm proud for the women of the Middle East competing in their first Olympic games. It pains my heart to think about what these women in other countries endure. As an American woman, I can make my own choices. I can speak my mind and guess what? If I disagree with my husband, my father, my brother or any other man for that matter, I don't have to worry about being stoned to death or set on fire. If I want to wear a tank top that shows off my ample cleavage, I can do that with nothing more than a dirty look from an old woman's whose old geezer husband is gawking.
From the Aug. 30 Sports Illustrated: On Friday August 20, Rakia Al Gassra of Bahrain ran in a qualifying heat of the 100m. She ran in a full hejab covered from head to toe.
She was one of five Muslim women running in the 100 meters. Danah Al Nasrallah, 16, was the first Kuwaiti woman to compete in the Olympics. These women have a fierce spirit and I admire them for it.
All of these women are role models for every woman - most importantly my daughter. I want her to know that she can do anything she puts her mind to. She can be feminine, yet strong. She can be a doting mother and also tackle a career if she so chooses. She can be a leader, but also listen to others. She can be an outstanding individual who contributes to the overall quality of a team. I like to think of our country like that - each of us as individuals who contribute to the good of the whole.
Abby Wambach is another shining example of doing what she wants to do and excelling at it. She even has a soccer camp for girls.
Army of Dad was reading his Sports Illustrated last night and showed me a picture of Abby Wambach roaring in delight after a teammate scored a goal in one of their Olympic games. Army of Dad smiled and said we should cut that out for Stinkerbelle. (background here - our house is on a little hill and the children have discovered that if you stand at the edge of the garage and give out a big roar, it will echo in our neighborhood. So, we don't leave the house without a good roar from my precious little girl.)
I am Little Bit ... hear me roar!
But, she won't always be little. Maybe SHE will be the first woman president. Can anyone say 2048?
But, I'm also proud for that little girl from Afghanistan who ran pretty much covered head to toe. I'm proud for the women of the Middle East competing in their first Olympic games. It pains my heart to think about what these women in other countries endure. As an American woman, I can make my own choices. I can speak my mind and guess what? If I disagree with my husband, my father, my brother or any other man for that matter, I don't have to worry about being stoned to death or set on fire. If I want to wear a tank top that shows off my ample cleavage, I can do that with nothing more than a dirty look from an old woman's whose old geezer husband is gawking.
From the Aug. 30 Sports Illustrated: On Friday August 20, Rakia Al Gassra of Bahrain ran in a qualifying heat of the 100m. She ran in a full hejab covered from head to toe.

She was one of five Muslim women running in the 100 meters. Danah Al Nasrallah, 16, was the first Kuwaiti woman to compete in the Olympics. These women have a fierce spirit and I admire them for it.
All of these women are role models for every woman - most importantly my daughter. I want her to know that she can do anything she puts her mind to. She can be feminine, yet strong. She can be a doting mother and also tackle a career if she so chooses. She can be a leader, but also listen to others. She can be an outstanding individual who contributes to the overall quality of a team. I like to think of our country like that - each of us as individuals who contribute to the good of the whole.
Abby Wambach is another shining example of doing what she wants to do and excelling at it. She even has a soccer camp for girls.

Army of Dad was reading his Sports Illustrated last night and showed me a picture of Abby Wambach roaring in delight after a teammate scored a goal in one of their Olympic games. Army of Dad smiled and said we should cut that out for Stinkerbelle. (background here - our house is on a little hill and the children have discovered that if you stand at the edge of the garage and give out a big roar, it will echo in our neighborhood. So, we don't leave the house without a good roar from my precious little girl.)
I am Little Bit ... hear me roar!
But, she won't always be little. Maybe SHE will be the first woman president. Can anyone say 2048?
At 5:59 AM, June 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for posting the picture of my Muslim sister in your blogg.I live in Bharain and she has not only done her village soo proud for running in full Islamic hijab but also the billions of other Muslims around the world who sturrgle at times to be allowed to have the human right to cover as Quran tells us to. She can be seen daily along the main highway training along side her coach and other enthusiastic sisters who are also covered from head to toe. We Muslim women are proud of her and also of being covered.
www.islam-guide.com maybe someone will see this and learn the Truth of Islam & not the negativie images and thoughts that some people have in thier heads.
Thank you mam for ur support.
At 6:03 AM, June 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Nate sir, may i jst add to you. Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. So u may think she is ugly, that most probably because ur inner soul and heart is ugly. Hence why u see ugly in her.
I pray that the Lord gives u innner peace and satisfaction and stability.Ameen
Your words were harsh but we shall not say harsh things in reply, for the better of the 2 persons is the one who replies with a prayer and kindness of words.
Peace to you !!
At 9:01 AM, June 02, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
I think every woman is beautiful if their own way.
And, to the woman who felt that I was attacking her and her faith, I'm sorry that you feel that way. There is hate worldwide. I do not mean to judge you or your faith. And, while I have not lived in the Middle East, I have friends from various places from Israel to India and they have told me many horrible stories about things that have happened to women there for the "offenses" they have committed. I'm very glad that you grew up in a happy household.
And, to the woman who was happy to see the entry about the runner, I'm so glad that she serves as an inspiration to you. I bet that is fun to see her running every day. I admire you for following in your faith. Having grown up in America and without having to cover head to toe, I don't think I could ever do it.
At 10:40 AM, June 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Well that one woman is from Afghanistan. Under the Taliban women were routinly beaten, stoned and shot for "minor" transgressions. Do not come in here and attempt to revise history. I have seen the videos.
At 1:08 PM, June 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Oh and lookee here, the Suadis are very upset at the very thought of allowing women to drive...not exactly being stoned but...
At 5:43 PM, December 17, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Hello :)
I'm from Bahrain. I am glad to see a girl from my country as an inspiration for others.
Again and as anywhere, muslim women are on focous.
People, we wear our Hijab by our choice not being forced by anybody (sure every standard have exceptions). It is our right as it is yours not to cover up!
Pleassse stop looking at us as controlled creators.
dear author, I shall thank you for your neutral view whatever the ethnic and moral differences between our cultures are. I do appreciate it for you.
At 6:21 PM, July 21, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I admire her for wearing the ħijāb.
It’s amazing how faith represses a certain genders, especially when it has been instilled into the culture.
It must have been a male who interpreted the Koran; I do not believe the great profit would have to agree with most Muslim customs.
I think the Muslim faith needs a new overhaul for the 21st century, just like the Christians and the Jews.
Major religions should preach gender equality before preaching about morality and virtue.
Surprisingly, Islam seems like the most repressed religion for woman, and it’s one of the newest.
At 5:06 PM, October 04, 2006,
Anonymous said…
iam very proud of thz lady she shows tht hey look im running not cause i want to show off my legs not to show off my hair but to say look im running 4 myself!! the hejab actully makes u feel safe and secure!! and u dont have 2 worry abt getting raped or harrased!! which unfortanatley occurs a lot in usa!! so 4 thz who thnk it sucks tht we hve to wear hejab than think again and say itsucks we dont have 2 wear it!!
At 4:56 PM, August 22, 2008,
Unknown said…
I'm from the "middle east" and I want to say that : No, its not true that those are the first olympics for women from the region. I'd also want to say that some "middle east" countries granted the woman right to vote even before the U.S. Of course you can replicate and say that elections in the middle east are nothing but comedies , I would say yes, you are right but thats relevant for both genders, it's a comedy for both genders.
Best Regards.
At 7:08 PM, August 22, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
I would love to know which countries there allowed women to vote before the U.S. That would be interesting to know which ones did. I know Saudi Arabia doesn't even allow women to drive ... still feeling pretty fortunate to be American.
At 7:02 AM, August 04, 2009,
Anonymous said…
I’m a Pakistani Muslim woman. I don’t wear a Hijab. Many women in Pakistan don’t. In fact it’s optional in some Muslim countries… you don’t have to if you don’t want too. Just don’t make a sex object of yourself! I respect Hijab wearers, I had a couple of hijab wearing friends in college and they were some of the coolest people I’ve ever met!
And Hah! I actually think I’m pretty lucky to come from a culture that doesn’t push a pair of silicon enhanced breasts into your face everywhere you look (magazines, movies, games etc). I feel sorry for the women who strut around in bikinis in those beauty pageants… and puhlleaaaze! I think the last think anybodies thinking about while ‘admiring their beauty’ is their ‘brains’ or ‘personality’. I think it’s much more respectable to cover up…atleast this way the focus is on the face of the woman! I think sexual objectification is more repressive!
Women choose to wear the Hijab for the very reason you choose to show off your cleavage! They like to and feel more confident that way.
And I too am so sick about hearing this crap about ‘Ohhhh the poor suppressed muslim woman, I’m so lucky to be born in a free country we’re so awesome blablabla” etc. I can disagree with my brothers and father any time I want, they’ve never been mean to me… infact… I’m the one who’s mean to them! I can’t ever imagine them raising their voices against me LOL!!
I was never a fan of Benazir Bhutto… she’s been the Prime minister of Pakistan twice. AND no she was not assassinated by the Taliban for being a woman or whatever. She was assassinated for the reasons all powerful political leaders get assassinated. On her death, I havn’t felt such collective despair in the country since the ’05 earthquake! Do you think she rose to power by being submissive and oppressed?
Islam does NOT promote violence against women. It PROHIBITS it! No educated Muslim man would ever harm a woman. If he does… he’s not Muslim (even if he claims to be). However unfortunately negative cultural customs get attached to the religion through ignorance and lack of understanding… and that’s when you enlightened Americans go “Oh those terrible terrorists”
Okay, Saudi Arabia doesn’t let women drive… here there’s no problem at all. In fact, we have women pilots too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3ge6d1Wg1Y&feature=related
I’m sorry if I came across as rude… but I can’t stand this attitude of ‘pity’ reserved for muslim women. It’s totally oaky if you were admiring her strength as a sportswoman not afraid to show her identity and to be proud of it… it’s a powerful image! I just don’t like the condescending attitude!
I run too by the way, just 10 minute mile a day in a nearby track, not as covered up, just a t-shirt and track suit pants… as I said not all women are forced to wear the hijab! I’ve seen a woman run in a hijab too, and she almost out –ran me!
Don’t judge us just because we’re different and don’t think the way you do!
At 1:14 PM, August 04, 2009,
Army of Mom said…
Anon - I'm glad you have those freedoms. That is wonderful. I do not mean to come across as condescending at all. I just find it sad that many women do not have the freedoms that you and I both enjoy. I KNOW some muslim women who must be covered head to toe and walk behind their husbands. And, perhaps, like many things - the media shows the extremes more than the mainstream - but I know that many of these prejudices against women in the Middle East are accurate portrayals of life there. I'm glad that your existence is not like that.
Glad you chimed in.
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