OHMIGOD, I had SOOOOOO much fun today at the
Dallas Comic Con today. Many thanks to
2 of 5 for going with me and helping me corral my two boys. I got a sitter for the baby, but dragged the boys along. My oldest aspires to be an artist, cartoonist, animator or something of the like, so he was in heaven today. He is 10 and loves Star Wars. Child No. 2 likes Star Trek, so both were pretty happy to be there.
We started off a little roughly by waiting in line for 40 minutes to get in. LabKat and I had a great time laughing at the dorks and feeling much cooler than we did just this morning. She actually coined the blog title at that time. Pickle waited patiently, but Zoom Zoom (who is only 5) was taking it much rougher. Now, granted, both boys had soccer games this morning and probably were a little tired from all the activity, but it wasn't THAT bad.
We get in and grab snacks and drinks for the boys and then Pickle gets to meet the creator for
El Gato Negro comic book. He was so stoked to get to meet a real life comic book creator and artist in Richard Dominquez. Of course, I thought the man was great because he told Pickle that taking care of his school work and studying is one of the most important things he can do to be a great cartoonist. Here is Pickle and Senor Dominguez.
We cruise around a bit more and then find the room where the autographs are being done. LabKat got the biggest smile across her face as she sees Peter Mayhew, better known as Chewbacca in the original Star Wars Trilogy. She bimbles over there for her autograph and her day was complete. He was very nice and flirted a bit with her while his wife sat nearby and teased him for wanting to have his picture with a cute woman.
By this time, the boys are getting a bit frustrated with standing around and waiting in lines. Ok, Zoom Zoom was getting REALLY frustrated. Pickle was a little more tolerant. He was enjoying seeing all the dorks dressed up like Star Wars, Star Trek and other sci fi and comic book characters. Then, it happens. I spot Brent Spiner, Michael Dorn, John DeLancie and Wil Wheaton. OHMIGOD! I start jumping up and down and my oldest rolls his eyes and says Calm down Mom!
2 of 5 reaches in her purse and looks at me very mom-like as she says: Pick one. I can't afford $30 for an autograph for all of them, but I'll spring for ONE!
How do I pick? Initially, we thought Brent Spiner aka Data was the choice, but I've always been a GIANT Worf fan, plus Michael Dorn is WAY hotter than Spiner, so I tried to snap a really good shot of Spiner, but came away with not much.
But, here was my big shot ... I'm off to get a Worf autograph and snapshot with him. Oh boy oh boy. I'm told no flash. Well crap. My camera takes crappy shots with no flash. So, 2 of 5 pulls out her camera. I'll post that pic tomorrow after she emails it to me. But, as we're waiting for her camera, Michael Dorn is looking at mine and talking outloud wondering if it doesn't take a great shot without the flash and snaps this picture of my whining son, who by now, was REALLY whimpering about being tired and wanting to leave.

Photo by Michael Dorn.
I got my Worf autograph and snapshot and clicked this one of him. I also caught John De Lancie before he took a break and caught Wil Wheaton standing around aimlessly while people were passing him by.
He's gotten better looking as he's gotten older and filled out some. We hung around and listened to his reading of his two books. I bought one, Dancing Barefoot, that I hope to start reading after my surgery next week. I totally ditzed out and got blubber tongued from all the celebrity. I forgot to tell Pickle that Wil is AquaLad from Teen Titans until after his reading. The kid almost peed his pants when he realized that. I should have gotten his pic with Wil, too, but I forgot. *doh*
I was amazed at the beauty *and cleavage* of
Leeta from DS9 but was able to get a very cute shot of her before we drifted out of this room to head to the auditorium.
Those are all my celeb shots. I will post more of me and the kids tomorrow.
Live long and prosper.
*hee hee* I couldn't resist. I'm such a dork.