Baby showers are so much fun
Today was one of those days that just wears me out. My father-in-law is arriving for a visit in the morning and I had a baby shower to help host today. These are two great events, but when you have a bum right arm in a cast, it makes things SOOOO much harder to do.
So, I've been running around the house for the past three days trying to get it cleaned one-handedly. It is still not completely done, but good enough. The baby shower went well. I took stuff to make punch, my beautiful silver punch bowl and stuff for frou-frou sandwiches, which seemed to be a hit. One of the other hostesses brought a cute little Winnie the Pooh cake that she spent entirely too much money for! But, it was cute. My friend had a great baby shower. I LOVE buying baby stuff. One guest even brought a baby for us to all coo over. All in all, great fun. Just a lot of work and effort, but well worth it.
Vikes lost today and they were even on TV for AoD to watch. Dammit. I get to watch the Cowboys lose Monday night.
While I'm on a pissy rant, let me tell you what the restaurant manager told me yesterday at our soccer teams' awards dinner. We asked a local Chinese buffet restaurant to let us have one of their meeting rooms for our party. We were going to have about 17 families coming. I told this woman numerous times that I didn't know how many would be eating, but told her to expect between 35 and 50 or maybe more. We never know who will or won't show up or if they'll just come to get a trophy without eating. The restaurant gives you a pink paper listing how many buffets you paid for and you place it on the table, so the staff knows who did or did not pay. We tallied up about 41 people eating and maybe 15 not. Mid-way through our party, I was pulled aside by the manager and told that the owner was mad because we had people who didn't buy meals. She said we reserved the room for a dinner meeting which meant people should be dining. I think she thought I would agree to pay for those people. Screw her. They weren't eating and I wasn't going to pay for them. She was pretty insistent that the owner was really mad about this because they couldn't tell who was or wasn't eating. I told her that I thought the pink tickets showed that and that our families are honest. If they didn't pay, they weren't eating. Plain and simple. Again, she goes over the owner's anger. I told her fine, make sure and tell him that we won't be bringing back these 17 families for another awards dinner in the spring as we had planned to do. If it was THAT important to him to get those extra 10 or so buffets, then he could go without the 41 we paid for. And, if that wasn't audacious enough, she came in as we were wrapping up to ask me to get the families to leave tips for the staff. You have GOT to be kidding. So, now I have to find a new place for our awards event next spring. As if I didn't have enough other stuff to do.
So, I've been running around the house for the past three days trying to get it cleaned one-handedly. It is still not completely done, but good enough. The baby shower went well. I took stuff to make punch, my beautiful silver punch bowl and stuff for frou-frou sandwiches, which seemed to be a hit. One of the other hostesses brought a cute little Winnie the Pooh cake that she spent entirely too much money for! But, it was cute. My friend had a great baby shower. I LOVE buying baby stuff. One guest even brought a baby for us to all coo over. All in all, great fun. Just a lot of work and effort, but well worth it.
Vikes lost today and they were even on TV for AoD to watch. Dammit. I get to watch the Cowboys lose Monday night.
While I'm on a pissy rant, let me tell you what the restaurant manager told me yesterday at our soccer teams' awards dinner. We asked a local Chinese buffet restaurant to let us have one of their meeting rooms for our party. We were going to have about 17 families coming. I told this woman numerous times that I didn't know how many would be eating, but told her to expect between 35 and 50 or maybe more. We never know who will or won't show up or if they'll just come to get a trophy without eating. The restaurant gives you a pink paper listing how many buffets you paid for and you place it on the table, so the staff knows who did or did not pay. We tallied up about 41 people eating and maybe 15 not. Mid-way through our party, I was pulled aside by the manager and told that the owner was mad because we had people who didn't buy meals. She said we reserved the room for a dinner meeting which meant people should be dining. I think she thought I would agree to pay for those people. Screw her. They weren't eating and I wasn't going to pay for them. She was pretty insistent that the owner was really mad about this because they couldn't tell who was or wasn't eating. I told her that I thought the pink tickets showed that and that our families are honest. If they didn't pay, they weren't eating. Plain and simple. Again, she goes over the owner's anger. I told her fine, make sure and tell him that we won't be bringing back these 17 families for another awards dinner in the spring as we had planned to do. If it was THAT important to him to get those extra 10 or so buffets, then he could go without the 41 we paid for. And, if that wasn't audacious enough, she came in as we were wrapping up to ask me to get the families to leave tips for the staff. You have GOT to be kidding. So, now I have to find a new place for our awards event next spring. As if I didn't have enough other stuff to do.
At 4:03 PM, November 15, 2004,
Anonymous said…
I really like the place, but I doubt I will ever go back, much less bring a group!
We've told just about everyone by now, except the soccer parents. AoM will likely tell them if anyone asks if we are going back or during games while she and the other moms chit chat.
Army of Dad
At 4:41 PM, November 15, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
I'm really good about waging campaigns when a business has screwed me. The AC guy who was supposed to fix our AC unit a few weeks ago got an earful from me directly when he never bothered showing up or even returning my calls. I called a week or two later and told him how I won't be calling him again and how if anyone ever asks me about a referral, he won't get it and that is NOT how to do business. Evergreen Super Buffet will regret this. I will probably write this dude a letter to make sure he gets my point loud and clear. And, I will tell all the soccer parents when they ask why we're going someplace different next year.
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