Counting my blessings
There are so many blessings in my life that I'm sure I'll forget something, but here is the list that comes to mind (in no particular order).
1. Army of Dad
2. My three beautiful and healthy children
3. Child No. 1 is coming into his own and doing better in school, in life and with his peers
4. Having my health - fragile as it can be at times
5. That my lump wasn't malignant
6. For my incredible friends and family - you know who you are!
7. The fact that we don't have to worry about where our next meal will come from
8. Our home
9. Living in a free country
10. That Bush is president again
Growing up, I never really looked forward to Thanksgiving because of how stressed out my mom would get that everything be perfect. She would scream and holler and make everyone around her miserable. I found myself was like that, too, the first few years I did the meals that I was so flipped out that it wasn't even any fun. I have chosen to not worry about it anymore. I start preparing meals a day or two before and that has eased up on all the preparation worries so I can relax and enjoy myself.
Today is the first time that I've been able to interest one of my children to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with me. I'm so happy about that. Hot Rod is sitting and watching it and I'm about to go sit with him. So much to be thankful for. I'm going to get out my Thankful journal that I'm creating for Little Bit. Every special occasion (unless I forget, which is more often than I'd like) I get my journal out and have all the guests at the event to write what they're thankful for. It is a wonderful collection of memories that I hope she treasures when she gets older.
God Bless Each of You and Happy Thanksgiving!
1. Army of Dad
2. My three beautiful and healthy children
3. Child No. 1 is coming into his own and doing better in school, in life and with his peers
4. Having my health - fragile as it can be at times
5. That my lump wasn't malignant
6. For my incredible friends and family - you know who you are!
7. The fact that we don't have to worry about where our next meal will come from
8. Our home
9. Living in a free country
10. That Bush is president again
Growing up, I never really looked forward to Thanksgiving because of how stressed out my mom would get that everything be perfect. She would scream and holler and make everyone around her miserable. I found myself was like that, too, the first few years I did the meals that I was so flipped out that it wasn't even any fun. I have chosen to not worry about it anymore. I start preparing meals a day or two before and that has eased up on all the preparation worries so I can relax and enjoy myself.
Today is the first time that I've been able to interest one of my children to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade with me. I'm so happy about that. Hot Rod is sitting and watching it and I'm about to go sit with him. So much to be thankful for. I'm going to get out my Thankful journal that I'm creating for Little Bit. Every special occasion (unless I forget, which is more often than I'd like) I get my journal out and have all the guests at the event to write what they're thankful for. It is a wonderful collection of memories that I hope she treasures when she gets older.
God Bless Each of You and Happy Thanksgiving!
At 2:12 PM, November 25, 2004,
Anonymous said…
Happy Thanksgiving!
At 4:20 PM, November 26, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
Thanks, it was a great one.
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