I love this man!
I'm sorry Laura and Army of Dad, but President Bush takes shit from no one. I heard about this yesterday, but just caught the video of the action. Maybe I'm not PC and all, but I love a man who kicks ass now and takes names later.
What do you bet that President Bush does NOT own a man purse.
What do you bet that President Bush does NOT own a man purse.
At 9:31 AM, November 24, 2004,
Gadfly said…
I read the story and watched the video. I was waiting to see this "flurry of half nelsons", but as far as I could see, it was just a shoulder-to-shoulder blocking of the agent. And Dub just reached in and grabbed the guy's arm to get him past the Chilean dorks. I fail to see how this is reckless "cowboy" behavior. I, personally, think this looks a hell of a lot worse for the Chileans than it does for Bush.
At 10:04 AM, November 24, 2004,
Anonymous said…
I think the Chileans should thank their lucky stars that Bush intervened and the agents didn't have to escalate the level of force needed to remain in their proper places near GWB. I think the Chileans could have sustained some injuries if push had to come to beat the shit out of the Chileans.
Army of Dad
At 12:18 PM, November 24, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
Yeah, people like to make things worse than they really are. I think he was watching out for the safety of his wife and himself and wanted to make sure he had his secret service guy there with him. I just wonder what Clinton or even Kerry would have done in that situation. I'm guessing they would have started talking the situation out and dragging it out a lot longer than Bush did by just taking action.
At 8:18 PM, November 25, 2004,
Anonymous said…
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At 11:56 AM, November 26, 2004,
Anonymous said…
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At 3:31 PM, November 26, 2004,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:09 PM, November 26, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
I deleted a couple of comments from some hateful trolls who had nothing nice to say, I may have accidentally deleted one other comment from a Polish visitor, if I did, please return and feel free to leave another comment and accept my apologies.
To the trolls, pppthhtttpphhhppttttt!!!!
At 4:21 PM, November 26, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
And, just a sidenote, The Patriot's comments were duplicated, so I deleted the first one.
At 8:57 PM, November 26, 2004,
Anonymous said…
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At 7:46 AM, November 27, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
Many thanks to all the trolls for increasing my site visits over the holidays.
Not sure exactly what your damage is and why you feel compelled to spew forth your shit on my site when there are much bigger fish out there who have a lot more to say (and probably more eloquently than me, too) but whatever. I'm sure it is taxing to come up with such great material from such little minds. I think it is time for you to go take your Zoloft since Kerry lost the election. Your "anybody but Bush" campaign slogans didn't work and now you just can't keep your weepy selves occupied.
At 10:33 AM, November 27, 2004,
Anonymous said…
"Maybe I'm not PC and all, but I love a man who kicks ass now and takes names later."
You go girl! I'm totally on board! I'm going to come kick your child's ass and take names later! That'll show those pussy PC folks!
Ooh, and I'm so not PC I'm going to kick your grandma's ass too! Oh, and then I'll take her name later! That's so HOT!
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