Stupid college students
I find it quite amusing that a handful of students at UNT wanted to protest the rearranging of finals schedules so students could attend the New Orleans Bowl game, which UNT is likely to get invited to again. What is amusing to me is that the students' reason for bitching is that they wanted more time to study for finals and the exam schedule change denies them that luxury. Well, guess what dillweed? If you took the three hours you stood in the rain holding protest signs and studied in the nice warm library, you could make up for that time.
How about instead of spending Friday night at Mabel Peabody's or at Riprock's you spend that time studying? Wow, I'm so smart. I even have a college education.
How about instead of spending Friday night at Mabel Peabody's or at Riprock's you spend that time studying? Wow, I'm so smart. I even have a college education.
At 5:32 PM, November 18, 2004,
Anonymous said…
We are going to N.O again!! I think it's dumb that people are complaining to...just something to complain about, I guess. I'm excited. They should WANT to go, I've gone two of the three years and it's a blast!! What college student wouldn't want to there and party?? Plus, they gave us over a month to properly prepare, and they just want to be negative!
At 5:52 PM, November 18, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
Well said my young babysitter and UNT student!
At 6:50 PM, November 18, 2004,
Anonymous said…
Not all college students are stupid.... *pout* Hi I go to Purdue and my football team suddenly turned to shit. But hopefully we'll kick the hell out of those pesky Hoosiers. :)
At 8:02 PM, November 18, 2004,
Anonymous said…
Nothing against you, but I think she was talking about the UNT students, because honestly, they're babies and don't want the full college experience. (I went to high school with a guy who plays for Purdue.) :)
At 8:47 PM, November 18, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
What is it with everyone pouting on my blog tonight? :)
Not saying ALL college students are stupid. Just these idiots in particular. Ok, and those who walk out in front of my car when I'm driving on campus. Ok, and those who put those big ugly circle things in their ears. Ok and ... well, I don't think ALL students are stupid. :)
At 9:20 PM, November 18, 2004,
Anonymous said…
Sorry AoM. Not pouting directly at you, but I just hate my generation sometimes. We bitch for no good reason.... And I'm stopping this rant right now. :)
At 6:36 AM, November 19, 2004,
Anonymous said…
I thought Kat would have commented to say she is not pouting by now.
Army of Dad
At 9:36 AM, November 19, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
It isn't your generation Alli - it is just the mindset of people that age. I was the same way when I was in college.
At 11:31 AM, November 19, 2004,
Anonymous said…
Which way? Stupid or just bitched for no good reason? :-)
At 9:20 AM, November 21, 2004,
Army of Mom said…
Oh, I bitched for good reasons. But, I was stupid in college. I would step out into the crosswalk with cars coming ... surely they will stop for ME!
*shaking my head*
It is a wonder I survived.
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