Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday is today. It serves as a reminder to the faithful that our bodies are like the ash and the dust and will return to the earth when our days here are done, but our souls are immortal.
No meat today. That pretty much ruins what I was going to eat for breakfast, so now I have to figure out an alternative. Maybe I have time to make a pitstop by the donut shop on the way out of town this morning. If not, I'll have to make do on some iced tea this morning.
Today also marks the beginning of the Lenten season. It is 40 days preceeding Easter and is designed to remind us of the sacrifices Jesus made for us. We don't eat meat today and on each Friday throughout Lent and we also are asked to give up something that we love for the entire 40 days. It is just a reminder, in a miniscule way obviously, of the sacrifices Jesus made. I'm giving up cookies and sodas - in particular, Dr Pepper. This will be so hard, but I know that it is a very good sacrifice since it will improve my eating habits. I'm going to try and maintain the soda ban after Easter, too. Cookies, however, will be back on the menu. I think Army of Dad is going to give up chocolate. At first, it doesn't seem like that big of a sacrifice to me since he hardly eats candy - but then we see all the various things that have chocolate in them as we go throughout the day. He did this last year and we were shocked at all the various ways a person can have chocolate.
Yesterday was the end of the Mardi Gras and it made me remember when I first learned of Mardi Gras. I grew up Southern Baptist in small-town Texas and had heard of Mardi Gras, but didn't know what happened or what went on. I just knew people tossed beads, wore masks, drank alot and it was in New Orleans. When I was 26 and living in West Texas, the local Jaycees hosted a Mardi Gras parade and had colorful floats and tossed out beads to the crowds. The community was in a tizzy. I had no idea why until one of our sports writers - who had been to Mardi Gras - explained how exactly people got the beads. Then, a wave of understanding came over me about why this largely uptight crowd. Just one of those weird ways I was sheltered in my youth. I'm still pretty naive about a lot of things. Army of Dad, LabKat and others tend to roll their eyes when they have to explain things to me. *shrug* I guess that is good.
No meat today. That pretty much ruins what I was going to eat for breakfast, so now I have to figure out an alternative. Maybe I have time to make a pitstop by the donut shop on the way out of town this morning. If not, I'll have to make do on some iced tea this morning.
Today also marks the beginning of the Lenten season. It is 40 days preceeding Easter and is designed to remind us of the sacrifices Jesus made for us. We don't eat meat today and on each Friday throughout Lent and we also are asked to give up something that we love for the entire 40 days. It is just a reminder, in a miniscule way obviously, of the sacrifices Jesus made. I'm giving up cookies and sodas - in particular, Dr Pepper. This will be so hard, but I know that it is a very good sacrifice since it will improve my eating habits. I'm going to try and maintain the soda ban after Easter, too. Cookies, however, will be back on the menu. I think Army of Dad is going to give up chocolate. At first, it doesn't seem like that big of a sacrifice to me since he hardly eats candy - but then we see all the various things that have chocolate in them as we go throughout the day. He did this last year and we were shocked at all the various ways a person can have chocolate.
Yesterday was the end of the Mardi Gras and it made me remember when I first learned of Mardi Gras. I grew up Southern Baptist in small-town Texas and had heard of Mardi Gras, but didn't know what happened or what went on. I just knew people tossed beads, wore masks, drank alot and it was in New Orleans. When I was 26 and living in West Texas, the local Jaycees hosted a Mardi Gras parade and had colorful floats and tossed out beads to the crowds. The community was in a tizzy. I had no idea why until one of our sports writers - who had been to Mardi Gras - explained how exactly people got the beads. Then, a wave of understanding came over me about why this largely uptight crowd. Just one of those weird ways I was sheltered in my youth. I'm still pretty naive about a lot of things. Army of Dad, LabKat and others tend to roll their eyes when they have to explain things to me. *shrug* I guess that is good.
At 6:54 AM, February 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
If I need to warm up my coffee at work I usually toss in a packet of hot cocoa (a poor man's cafe mocha). Can't do that this morning. Plus my favorite Girl Scout cookies have chocolate on them.
Army of Dad
At 11:48 AM, February 09, 2005,
Gadfly said…
Catholicism would be great if they would cut off everybody above a Bishop and let priests be married. Other than that, it's a perfectly serviceable religion. Lots of trappings and icons and costumes -- thoughout all of human history, that appears to be the main things you need for a thriving spiritual focus.
Don't mind me. I'm a heathen Deist. I think there was only me and Joseph Campbell left, and he died.
At 2:28 PM, February 09, 2005,
cashin said…
For me i'm giving up porn, that sweet sweet porn. What a great catholic I am huh? lol.
At 4:41 PM, February 09, 2005,
Gadfly said…
cashin: Maybe you could just avoid "meat" on Fridays?
At 6:18 PM, February 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Oh sweet Mardi Gras! Had 3 trips to New Orleans with the gang and had a great great time. The first year me and the commish (from our fantasy league teams) "borrowed" a picket sign from the party protesters in the Quarter and walked around hoisting a 32 oz beer in one hand and urging our fellow partiers to Repent with the sign...
Yeah, we're probably going to hell. But when we get there I hope they have 3 for 1 drink specials and lots of cheap beads!!!
At 7:35 PM, February 09, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
I would rather give up soda and cookies than my porn. I mean, you never know when you're going to need a little inspiration. I admire your efforts Cashin. You're a better man than I am.
Oh wait, that's right. I'm not a man. Shouldn't be too easy to be a better man. Although, I do have an honorary man card in my possession.
At 2:03 PM, February 10, 2005,
Anonymous said…
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At 3:02 PM, February 10, 2005,
Anonymous said…
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At 3:34 PM, February 10, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
Gees louise people ... I don't know what I did to take the picture thing down. I attribute that to my technical inabilities.
At 11:40 PM, February 10, 2005,
cashin said…
O for god's sake its her blog let her post what she wants. Stop trying to stomp out and censor the little guy you ignorant leftist ass hat. You don't need to respect the man but respect the office. Why am I even typing this? you're just anoynmous you won't even be back.
At 11:40 PM, February 10, 2005,
cashin said…
O for god's sake its her blog let her post what she wants. Stop trying to stomp out and censor the little guy you ignorant leftist ass hat. You don't need to respect the man but respect the office. Why am I even typing this? you're just anoynmous you won't even be back.
At 11:41 PM, February 10, 2005,
cashin said…
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