Army of Mom

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.


Happy First Day of Spring

I am so excited for the spring. Last night I saw blossoms on my baby peach tree in the front yard. My mother tossed a peach pit out into her yard a few years ago and noticed that it took root and as the little tree was sprouting from the ground, she dug it up and put it in a pot to take care of it for me until I was ready to plant it. Late last summer, early fall, Army of Dad put it into the center of the front yard for me. I've been tending to this little fella ever since. He's only a few feet tall, but he has three lovely blossoms on him. Isn't that just about the prettiest thing you've ever seen?

I love growing things. It is such a miracle to see nature at work. Was thinking of how pleasant it was to watch something I've tended start to grow and blossom and I was reminded to count my blessings. Making a "run for the border" tonight, I passed residents from the group home having a picnic at the park. Made me so grateful to have all my wits about me and have bright children. Then, at Taco Bell the clerk waiting on me was obviously scarred from burns. Her face and her hands. I felt so badly for her because she was lovely aside from the scars. I hope she finds someone who sees that beauty in her, too.

I had a bad week last week. I've probably cried more in the past six days than I have in the previous six months. I'm not past it yet, but I hope to be soon. I just try to remember to count my blessings. I did CCD Sunday morning at home for my two little ones. We didn't have real palms, but we made some out of construction paper and we had our own parade. I talked to Hot Rod about the Fourth of July parade he was in last year and he remembered how exciting it was. I tried to relate to him what it must have been like to see Jesus riding into town. How exciting it had to be for those people who were just going about their daily business. He loved Sunday School and asked me if we could do it again. So, we talked about Holy Thursday and Good Friday. We'll have some more CCD on Thursday and Friday and thankfully, Pickle will be home with me to get some of that, too. My peach tree, my beautiful children ... what wonderful reminders of God's works on the beginning of Holy Week Sunday.


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