I hate PETA
I really do. Zealots ruin things for everyone. I'm all for treating animals well. Really, I am. When cows are killed to create my filet mignon, I hope they're slaughtered quickly and as painlessly as possible.
And, the little bunnies who created the fur coat I bought myself in high school, I hope those little fellas bit it quickly, too.
Here's PETA's latest for April Fool's. It is some drag queen dressed up to make fun of The View's Star Jones, who likes to wear fur. Who cares if she likes to wear fur? Good for her. She blows them off in her comments, too. I love it. They didn't get what they were hoping for.

I still like saying PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals.
And, the little bunnies who created the fur coat I bought myself in high school, I hope those little fellas bit it quickly, too.
Here's PETA's latest for April Fool's. It is some drag queen dressed up to make fun of The View's Star Jones, who likes to wear fur. Who cares if she likes to wear fur? Good for her. She blows them off in her comments, too. I love it. They didn't get what they were hoping for.

I still like saying PETA stands for People Eating Tasty Animals.
At 2:53 AM, April 06, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Wearing fur is the least of that self centered, self-serving hate filled slags problems. I'm surpised she hasn't adopted a family of minks, after all she hates gay people but married a gay man. She can have all the fat sucked out of her she wants but she will still be ugly on the inside.
At 12:15 AM, July 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I must say their stunts do cause some serious s*** for the animals. By dumping paint on people's fur coats, you are generating two realisations in the person. The smaller of the two is to realise your wrongs and become a member of PETA, eating toe-phew (tofu) and sleeping under logs to say "Don't step on snails." The other more widely realised one is the realisation that you need a new fur coat, meaning more animals are on the chopping block.
So in closing, I say "thank you" to PETA for fueling the fur industry into a new millenia!
At 2:24 AM, July 26, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Not only that, but they support eco-terrorist organizations. Look it up -- they're genuinely Evil People.
At 12:43 PM, December 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
They have little effect on anything. The shock tactics they use just make them look even more retarded. I am just waiting untill they try some type of 12 monkey's tactic, and try to release some zoo animals. One thing though, I do like to see them tities when they protest!!
At 11:47 AM, January 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
OUr Names are Tony and Ron:
Whenever I see Peta stickers i get an intense craving for some nice beef. You see in reality peta is probably just a front for the beef industry to make me hungrier. I saw a sticker with a pig that says "I dont have spare ribs" so im gonna go get that for dinner. Peta is probably the most genius marketing campaign of all time!
PS Invite us to the BBQ Cook Out at the crack whores house!
At 11:53 AM, January 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
My name is Melissa:friend of tony and ron
I was a vegetarian once. But I quit once I started leaning towards the light.
And about that barbecue . . .I'm thinkin we ditch the hamburger patties and slather Crack Whore with some Jack Daniels BBQ. Yum yum. leftover whore sandwiches . . . Cannibalism is the New PETA
At 8:06 AM, January 27, 2006,
Anonymous said…
nice talk, I'm sure people will want to follow your way of thinking, good example for the kids also. hope you don't choke on your steak. do we really need to wear fur, you do know how they kill those animals, right? I vote we make something out of you!
At 8:57 AM, January 27, 2006,
Army of Mom said…
Anon - not that you'll come back and read the response, but here it is anyway. I don't wear fur and don't care whether people wear fur or not. What I don't like about PETA is the way they go about their business. I used to be a PETA supporter sending them money when I could to support their work until they started sending me these awful graphic pictures and promoted people tossing paint on someone else's private possessions, etc. I don't like their tactics. I don't advocate injuring anyone and don't see how I am a bad example for kids. Some of these commenters in here, ok, you have a point on their words and actions maybe not being appropriate. So, I don't particularly appreciate your hopes that I choke on my steak or that someone slit me open and make me into a coat. Sort of like the pot calling the kettle black, isn't it?
At 3:54 PM, February 06, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Well all I can say is that I use to be one of those ignorant meat eaters. But, thankfully my eyes were opened to all the bad things about eating animals and wearing something that was made from the fur of one these poor defensless animals. I feel bad for the people that say "Oh I'm for animals being teated humane but, I love my steak. And I just hope they were killed really quickly. I'm sure if any of you knew just half of what that meat went through just so you could eat it. Well you wouldn't be eating it. I'm proud to say I've convinced 1 of my friends to become a vegetarian. And I proudly wear my "I AM NOT A NUGGET" shirt every chance I get.
At 10:37 AM, February 18, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Oh have I hit a button? To tell you the truth I couldn't even understand what the heck was written here. The first sentce didn't even make any sense. I was wondering how you knew what the cavemen were eating back thousands of years ago. And the last pargraph "You are still animals no matter what, eating carrots instead of steak isn't going to help your case." Has anyone ever told you vegeatarians live six years longer, have a 60% less chance of getting certain cancers meat eaters get, and tend to have not even half the health problems meat eaters do. Gosh to think I'm an "idiot".
At 6:44 AM, February 19, 2006,
Anonymous said…
The first sentence was quite coherent, actually. You must've gone blind.
Wheat and soybean combine harvesters are known to chop up vast numbers of rabbits, moles and whatnot in the fields. Animals still die, no matter what.
And no, vegetarians do not live six years longer, does not have a 60% less chance of getting certain cancers - that would mean the Buddhist monks in Asia would have some of the highest life expectancies in the world, which is not true, it's the Japanese with their fetish for raw proteins - Kobe beef and live lobster, anyone?
Furthermore, vegetarians have more social problems and mental health issues - after all, rampant vegetarianism _is_ an eating disorder : orthorexia nervosa.
At 1:03 PM, May 19, 2006,
Anonymous said…
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At 4:45 AM, July 21, 2006,
Anonymous said…
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At 9:34 PM, July 23, 2006,
Army of Mom said…
Anon - I have to say that I'm crushed. Really. There might be tears. What will I do now that some anonymous Peta-loving troll hates me.
Oh whoa is me.
At 12:25 AM, August 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
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