Panniculectomy post-surgery pics
Ok guys. This is going to be gross, so don't plan on eating dinner any time soon or turn away now. I'm going to show you the new bellybutton and what my hip looks like. I really do look like something out of a science fiction movie with the drain coming out of my hip. It is pretty badly bruised there. The grenade thing is holding bodily fluids like lymph drainage, blood and fatty stuff. It is pretty disgusting. Looked a bit like the Hawaiian Punch Army of Dad was drinking. That was sort of gross when we noticed that. AoD and I joked that I don't leak lymph fluids, but nymph fluids. Ha. My drugs have kicked in and probably that is why I don't mind posting these pics right now.
I figure those of you considering this thing may want to know what it looks like. Also, it may help the sympathy factor among some of you. Nah, I doubt it. Most of my friends have taken to calling me Bitch instead of my name. But, it is all in good nature. Right? RIGHT? Come on and tell me I'm right. Anyway. Here it is. My new bellybutton. Gross factor isn't as high as the draining grenades on my hips. But looking at it again, it is pretty gross. You can see the bruising around the bellybutton and I still have my stretch marks. The bandages are along the bottom. I have staples underneath all the bandages. I'm still pretty swollen, too. Belly looks a bit distended or like a pregnant belly.

Now this is the really gross one to me. I feel a bit like Lara Croft with weapons on my hips, but unfortunately I don't LOOK like Lara Croft right now. On the far right of the pic is a dark tube coming out of my skin with bruising all around it. The grenade thing is holding the drainage. Black panties there for you Kin. You sick perv. The bandages are covering the staples. Still really swollen here. But, here are the first few shots for you curious folks.
I figure those of you considering this thing may want to know what it looks like. Also, it may help the sympathy factor among some of you. Nah, I doubt it. Most of my friends have taken to calling me Bitch instead of my name. But, it is all in good nature. Right? RIGHT? Come on and tell me I'm right. Anyway. Here it is. My new bellybutton. Gross factor isn't as high as the draining grenades on my hips. But looking at it again, it is pretty gross. You can see the bruising around the bellybutton and I still have my stretch marks. The bandages are along the bottom. I have staples underneath all the bandages. I'm still pretty swollen, too. Belly looks a bit distended or like a pregnant belly.

Now this is the really gross one to me. I feel a bit like Lara Croft with weapons on my hips, but unfortunately I don't LOOK like Lara Croft right now. On the far right of the pic is a dark tube coming out of my skin with bruising all around it. The grenade thing is holding the drainage. Black panties there for you Kin. You sick perv. The bandages are covering the staples. Still really swollen here. But, here are the first few shots for you curious folks.

At 10:50 PM, May 22, 2005,
Gadfly said…
grenade drain
Been a while since I've seen one of those.
I know it kind of sucks right now, but you'll be happy that you went through all of this soon.
Soon ... really
*warm hugs and happy thoughts*
At 5:58 AM, May 23, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
I'll have the drains till Friday at least. I may have them for a couple of weeks, but I'm hoping they'll come out Friday. They really gross me out, but better to get that stuff out of me than have it in me! And, thanks for the compliments. I can't believe it is me. I really can't. I know it will all be worth it. Just hate being doped up and not very useful. I packed up AoD's lunch this morning and that was about all I could handle. Back to the recliner and the laptop to do some writing.
At 7:18 AM, May 23, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
*shaking my head*
You guys are SOOOO bad. AoD has said similar things about my choice of underwear. I'm thinking that I have to be about as appealing as a corpse right now with all the wounds and stuff, but AoD is still trying to sneak a peek when I'm stumbling past.
At 8:13 AM, May 23, 2005,
Anonymous said…
It's been awhile since I knew anybody who had medical work done, and I am thinking that going home with all that stuff--is it safe? Do you have nurses coming by to check up?
No way could DOF be a big help, his queasy stomach, same as his mom's. I'd have to call my best friend to be a live-in aide for a few days.
You are sure going to appreciate this when it's over...
At 8:54 AM, May 23, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Oh it is fine. We have some things to do with them and her incision but nothing we can't handle. It might be an issue for someone on their own. She does have a nurse calling to check on her and we can call in anytime to get advice or help as needed.
Shoot her doc originally was going to send her home with her catheter! AoM was not happy with that idea and that got changed!
At 9:58 AM, May 23, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Is that a black mole in your new belly button?
If so, does it change colors to match your underwear?
Yes, I am grinning evily...
At 10:11 AM, May 23, 2005,
Anonymous said…
All I can say now is Oh, My....
At 10:53 AM, May 23, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
Mrs., it is safe for me to come home. They kept me overnight and took very good care of me. Trained me and AoD on how to care for things and I can call with questions. They have been good to me. I feel comfortable with it. AoD takes good care of me. I'm not pushing things either.
WP - that is a scab on my belly button you old fart! So, no it won't change colors. *shaking my head* Although, I plan to get my new belly button pierced when all is said and done and healed. Yippee.
At 10:53 AM, May 23, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
Mrs., it is safe for me to come home. They kept me overnight and took very good care of me. Trained me and AoD on how to care for things and I can call with questions. They have been good to me. I feel comfortable with it. AoD takes good care of me. I'm not pushing things either.
WP - that is a scab on my belly button you old fart! So, no it won't change colors. *shaking my head* Although, I plan to get my new belly button pierced when all is said and done and healed. Yippee.
At 9:23 AM, July 18, 2005,
Anonymous said…
With your panniculectomy procedure, did your insurance company pay for the re-positioning of your belly button? I am scheduled for a consultation and the scheduler told me that the surgeon would not re-position my belly button. She stated that the re-positioning was extra work and it would be up to surgeon to elect to do this procedure. Any suggestions to make this happen. I don't think I will be able to look at my belly and not see a belly button. Since my weight loss, all I've wanted was to have a flat belly and be able to look and see my belly button.
At 11:18 AM, July 18, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
I did have my belly button moved and it looks good now. I need to take some more pics and post them. Everything is coming together nicely. My doctor moved mine and didn't charge me any extra. I can't see why your doctor wouldn't. That should be pretty standard, I would think. You might also ask (if you have the money to do it) about getting lipo on your hips. I didn't know it would be a big issue until the day of surgery and the doc mentioned I might want to go back in and get those fixed. I have some pretty sizable love handles now. It isn't that bad, but I would have shelled out the extra money to have it done all at one time while I was there had I known. Just ask your doc and get a list of questions to take to the doctor when you go. Good luck.
At 8:04 PM, March 19, 2006,
Anonymous said…
It's me Debra from Modesto, Ca. I can not thank you enough for your honesty and encouragement when it came to my panniculectomy. I am very glad I was able to keep my belly button and things look pretty good sorta like a puffer that has been freightened by a big fish, smile. When will the swelling go away?
At 5:35 PM, May 18, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I just had a panniculectomy on April 9th. I don't feel like my stomach is flat. Along the scar, it is puffy, almost like a speedbump. Underneath the scar, where my genitalia is, it is flat. Is this normal? Do I have to wait a few more weeks for the swelling to go down or is this it?
At 10:18 PM, May 18, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
It took at least 6-8 weeks for the swelling to go down and I felt a bit bloated for almost three months. Give it time ... and the scar may be raised, that happens sometimes. I wish my pubic area was flat ... mine looks puffy compared to the tummy. :) Hang in there. It takes a while.
At 10:01 PM, July 23, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I am just now checking into a panniculectomy. Can you tell me if you had to jump through any hoops with the insurance company? I am worried, but I need this surgery after losing some weight. I've had this hanging on me for a lifetime!
Thanks! Michelle
At 5:07 PM, March 22, 2009,
Anonymous said…
could you please me i am planning on having this done as well as a breast reduction at the same time i am wondering how long i will have to be in the hospital , will they keep the pain under control or at at least to a minimum and if you at least stay over night . my phone number is 724-872-6541 i am scheduled for april 1 2009 and now that you have had it done are yo glad yo did . do the scars from the proocedure show alot please from one woman to another could you please call me i woould really like to talk tosomeone that has had it done before i have it done thank you (anxious) and worried
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