Zoo, museums and grocery shopping: Oh my!
Saturday was a busy, busy day and Stinkerbelle made me pay for it last night.
We started the day with a zoo birthday party. It was a lot of fun. It was the same program that brought the zoo to the kids' school a few months ago. But, it was fun.
Here is the birthday boy with Hot Rod. They're buds. His friend was born just a couple of weeks after him and they've been playing together ever since. His mom, KR, and I were working together when we got pregnant. We've been friends from the first time we met in 1998. She is so funny and clever. She is one of the few girls I know who can wear any kind of hat and make it look good. Plus, she has this great laugh.

Here is my friend KR and her family. Did I mention she is due to pop out a baby girl in about 7 or 8 weeks?

My mesmerized children looking at the animals.

The kinkajou and spring haas are always favorites.

The spring haas looks like Pikachu from Pokemon.

I kept waiting for one of the critters to poop, but they didn't fortunately. My battiers for my camera died without warning soon after, so that was it. We had cake, opened gifts and then we headed to the museum to see the new Imax movie there. It was awesome!!! Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag was so cool. I want to take Army of Dad to see it ASAP. He will love all the dog fights and action. It is so cool if you like military stuff.
Stinkerbelle gave out on the drive home and I remembered why I don't eat McDonalds as I promptly had to sit on my throne for a while after we got home. The princess stayed passed out for a while and I got some work done. After she woke up, we went to the Dollar General store and I stoked up on the cheap neosporin. I go through that stuff like my kids with M&M Minis. Then, to the Mrs. Baird's store and on to Brookshire's.
LabKat and JS came over for burgers and to watch me turn into Momzilla as my children each had their own personal meltdown after an activity-filled day. And, I guess it was to be expected. They were very good at the zoo, museum and store. They really were. Last night, each of them was pure evil at some pint. The oldest and the youngest won the awards for being the biggest whiner and the biggest toot. Hot Rod was actually pretty good overall. So, once I tucked all the kids away for the night, we watched Napolean Dynamite and prety much wondered why its magic was lost on us. There were a few moments where we thought their might be a plot, two funny moments when we had to go back and watch it again - when he falls over the fence after fighting with his uncle and when the low riders give him and his date a ride to the dance. But, that was about it. I don't get the appeal.
Army of Dad called to say he may not be coming back on time because the project is going slower than anticipated. I thought I would cry, but there isn't a lot I can do about it but wait. We'll see how the day goes.
We started the day with a zoo birthday party. It was a lot of fun. It was the same program that brought the zoo to the kids' school a few months ago. But, it was fun.
Here is the birthday boy with Hot Rod. They're buds. His friend was born just a couple of weeks after him and they've been playing together ever since. His mom, KR, and I were working together when we got pregnant. We've been friends from the first time we met in 1998. She is so funny and clever. She is one of the few girls I know who can wear any kind of hat and make it look good. Plus, she has this great laugh.

Here is my friend KR and her family. Did I mention she is due to pop out a baby girl in about 7 or 8 weeks?

My mesmerized children looking at the animals.

The kinkajou and spring haas are always favorites.

The spring haas looks like Pikachu from Pokemon.

I kept waiting for one of the critters to poop, but they didn't fortunately. My battiers for my camera died without warning soon after, so that was it. We had cake, opened gifts and then we headed to the museum to see the new Imax movie there. It was awesome!!! Fighter Pilot: Operation Red Flag was so cool. I want to take Army of Dad to see it ASAP. He will love all the dog fights and action. It is so cool if you like military stuff.
Stinkerbelle gave out on the drive home and I remembered why I don't eat McDonalds as I promptly had to sit on my throne for a while after we got home. The princess stayed passed out for a while and I got some work done. After she woke up, we went to the Dollar General store and I stoked up on the cheap neosporin. I go through that stuff like my kids with M&M Minis. Then, to the Mrs. Baird's store and on to Brookshire's.
LabKat and JS came over for burgers and to watch me turn into Momzilla as my children each had their own personal meltdown after an activity-filled day. And, I guess it was to be expected. They were very good at the zoo, museum and store. They really were. Last night, each of them was pure evil at some pint. The oldest and the youngest won the awards for being the biggest whiner and the biggest toot. Hot Rod was actually pretty good overall. So, once I tucked all the kids away for the night, we watched Napolean Dynamite and prety much wondered why its magic was lost on us. There were a few moments where we thought their might be a plot, two funny moments when we had to go back and watch it again - when he falls over the fence after fighting with his uncle and when the low riders give him and his date a ride to the dance. But, that was about it. I don't get the appeal.
Army of Dad called to say he may not be coming back on time because the project is going slower than anticipated. I thought I would cry, but there isn't a lot I can do about it but wait. We'll see how the day goes.
At 11:12 AM, June 12, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Trying to change my flight right now...this sucks.
At 1:13 PM, June 12, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
Well, at least AoD is coming back today and not tomorrow. That is one good thing.
At 4:57 PM, June 12, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
Yeah, I soooo did not get the humor there. I think I must have been WAY TOO COOL in high school to understand the humor.
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