Major Blogger
I often giggle and joke that I'm a "major blogger." God love Cashin for it. He made the comment that he was honored to be blogrolled by me since I'm a major blogger. Uh, no, I'm not. I only get about 550 hits a day, which isn't too shabby. But, today, I'm going to meet a Major Blogger. *yes, I capitalized the words on purpose*
Army of Dad has been there before to swap some kind of weapon accessories and visited for a while, but today, me, AoD and the kids are going to have tea and hang out with Kim duToit. It is sort of like being a big baseball fan and you get to go have a beer with Ken Griffey Jr., Nolan Ryan or Travis Fryman (Ok, so the last one isn't that big of a name, but I'd pee my pants to have lunch - or anything else *wink* - with Travis Fryman).
Kim IS a Major Blogger. He gets more than 8,000 hits a day. 8,000. Just about any conservative blog-reader and pretty much any Second Amendement advocate who is blog savvy knows who Kim du Toit is. Wow. I'm in awe. He blogrolled me recently, too, upon my request. That was pretty cool.
After a morning of soccer practices, grocery shopping, hopefully napping from a long night out with AoD last night *hubba hubba* we'll go and I'll be cool as a cucumber while I mentally note everything that I see and hear. Oh yeah, I'll take my camera, too, for posterity. Kim may be big on shooting with ammo, but I'm big on shooting with my Fujifilm 3800. And, if AoD and I get to fondle some guns while we're there, that's cool, too.
I just hope I don't do the Wayne and Garth "we're not worthy" move on him. Gotta be cool. Composed.
Army of Dad has been there before to swap some kind of weapon accessories and visited for a while, but today, me, AoD and the kids are going to have tea and hang out with Kim duToit. It is sort of like being a big baseball fan and you get to go have a beer with Ken Griffey Jr., Nolan Ryan or Travis Fryman (Ok, so the last one isn't that big of a name, but I'd pee my pants to have lunch - or anything else *wink* - with Travis Fryman).
Kim IS a Major Blogger. He gets more than 8,000 hits a day. 8,000. Just about any conservative blog-reader and pretty much any Second Amendement advocate who is blog savvy knows who Kim du Toit is. Wow. I'm in awe. He blogrolled me recently, too, upon my request. That was pretty cool.
After a morning of soccer practices, grocery shopping, hopefully napping from a long night out with AoD last night *hubba hubba* we'll go and I'll be cool as a cucumber while I mentally note everything that I see and hear. Oh yeah, I'll take my camera, too, for posterity. Kim may be big on shooting with ammo, but I'm big on shooting with my Fujifilm 3800. And, if AoD and I get to fondle some guns while we're there, that's cool, too.
I just hope I don't do the Wayne and Garth "we're not worthy" move on him. Gotta be cool. Composed.
At 11:05 AM, August 20, 2005,
Rachelle Jones said…
freaking jealous.....
At 11:19 AM, August 20, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
As well you should be.
At 2:17 PM, August 20, 2005,
cashin said…
bastards, all having their "Major" parties with only the "Major people" lol. Looks like fun good going AoM
At 3:35 PM, August 21, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
We had a great time. I will blog about it in the next day or two.
At 4:09 PM, August 22, 2005,
Gadfly said…
Does Kim still have that growth on his balls? Or has he had that removed?
Actually, I'm just jealous that you guys got to hang out with him and I didn't.
I can talk about guns.
Sear pin... lot of guys don't know what that is.
Head-spacing ...
Manganese ...
Chinch bugs ...
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