The Tomahawk Chop
I don't get it. I mean, ok, I sort of get it, but not really. All the hubbub over the use of Native American references in sports mascots. I am not conjuring up ugly stereotypes of Indians when I see the Atlanta Braves on TV nor am I snickering at Indians when I see Chief Wahoo of the Cleveland franchise.
Yet, the PC NCAA is blackmailing colleges into changing their history and legacy and ultimately their mascots if they want to continue competing in sports. I find THAT offensive.
Some chief of the Cherokee nation was on WBAP this morning and likened his take of the mascot for the Washington Redskins as being comparable to a black person being called a nigger. He was genuinely sincere. Now, I hate the N word and won't use it. I won't tolerate for it to be used around me or my family, either. Not that I really hear anyone even saying it anymore, thankfully. And, we would never tolerate a team like the Detroit Niggers in a sports team. It just wouldn't happen and no one - regardless of color - would think it was appropriate. So, it is making me question my own feelings about the Indian mascots.
Are they REALLY that offensive to Native Americans? I mean, it isn't like we're promoting some stereotype by calling them the Drunken Indians or the Lazy Indians. NO, they're called Braves, they're called Seminoles ... names that I think command respect and strength. I, personally, see nothing disrespectful in the names. Ok, the team that has the mascot of the Savages, I could see THAT being offensive. But, now, what if there was a new franchise called the Cincinnati Crackers. Would that bother me? The mascot is some uptight white dude in a suit. Or maybe the Kennedale Rednecks and the mascot is some dude with a beer belly wearing a wife-beater. Ok, yeah, I can see those being a little offensive to me as a white person.
But, there is also the Rebels. I'm from the South and we are proud of our heritage and ashamed of the slavery aspects, but simply because a team is named the Rebs, it doesn't mean they promote slavery or bigotry. It is just a historic symbol of our history. I don't relate any other meanings with it. So, playing devil's advocate, what if someone wanted to be the New Braunfels Nazis. Yikes, that is REALLY bad and would be hateful to the Jews.
So, who is right and who is wrong? I don't know. I think there are points to be made on both sides. It is easy for me to say that Native Americans are making too big of a stink about the issue and agencies like the NCAA is being too PC. But, that is easy for me to say. I'm not a part of that minority group and have no idea who it feels to be characterized like that.
I don't see the offense in keeping the Native American references. My immediate feeling is that the tribes can take those mascots and create the spin they'd like the public to have about them. Use it to your advantage. Take this controversy and create a positive public image about your heritage and use it as a springboard to publicize the plight of the tribes. Don't take it and whine or it is going to backfire on you.
*putting my soapbox away and preparing for the barrage of comments from both sides*
Yet, the PC NCAA is blackmailing colleges into changing their history and legacy and ultimately their mascots if they want to continue competing in sports. I find THAT offensive.
Some chief of the Cherokee nation was on WBAP this morning and likened his take of the mascot for the Washington Redskins as being comparable to a black person being called a nigger. He was genuinely sincere. Now, I hate the N word and won't use it. I won't tolerate for it to be used around me or my family, either. Not that I really hear anyone even saying it anymore, thankfully. And, we would never tolerate a team like the Detroit Niggers in a sports team. It just wouldn't happen and no one - regardless of color - would think it was appropriate. So, it is making me question my own feelings about the Indian mascots.
Are they REALLY that offensive to Native Americans? I mean, it isn't like we're promoting some stereotype by calling them the Drunken Indians or the Lazy Indians. NO, they're called Braves, they're called Seminoles ... names that I think command respect and strength. I, personally, see nothing disrespectful in the names. Ok, the team that has the mascot of the Savages, I could see THAT being offensive. But, now, what if there was a new franchise called the Cincinnati Crackers. Would that bother me? The mascot is some uptight white dude in a suit. Or maybe the Kennedale Rednecks and the mascot is some dude with a beer belly wearing a wife-beater. Ok, yeah, I can see those being a little offensive to me as a white person.
But, there is also the Rebels. I'm from the South and we are proud of our heritage and ashamed of the slavery aspects, but simply because a team is named the Rebs, it doesn't mean they promote slavery or bigotry. It is just a historic symbol of our history. I don't relate any other meanings with it. So, playing devil's advocate, what if someone wanted to be the New Braunfels Nazis. Yikes, that is REALLY bad and would be hateful to the Jews.
So, who is right and who is wrong? I don't know. I think there are points to be made on both sides. It is easy for me to say that Native Americans are making too big of a stink about the issue and agencies like the NCAA is being too PC. But, that is easy for me to say. I'm not a part of that minority group and have no idea who it feels to be characterized like that.
I don't see the offense in keeping the Native American references. My immediate feeling is that the tribes can take those mascots and create the spin they'd like the public to have about them. Use it to your advantage. Take this controversy and create a positive public image about your heritage and use it as a springboard to publicize the plight of the tribes. Don't take it and whine or it is going to backfire on you.
*putting my soapbox away and preparing for the barrage of comments from both sides*
At 3:09 PM, August 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Even taking into account how much I hate FSU. I can't see how anyone should find Chief Osceola offesive. The Seminole tribe helps them with the mascot's costume and dances. They are very proud of the mascot and I see no reason some busy-body at the NCAA should take offense.
Now for something insensitive (since many of you would expect it anyhow). Had they won the Indian Wars we wouldn't be talking about this. Winning means something, it means you get to run shit.
At 3:44 PM, August 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
After your previous post, I know you're gonna faint, but I agree with you. I don't seen how the using the word Seminoles or Braves or Indians is an insult.
Although, wasn't Redskins a derogatory term? For some reason, I thought it was.
At 3:46 PM, August 09, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
Hee hee ... see, WE CAN agree on somethings.
I don't know about Redskins, but apparently it is considered a derogatory term, if by no one other than the Native Americans, themselves.
At 3:49 PM, August 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Well you are both Cowboys fans so I would imagine that Redskins would be a derogatory term for you!
At 4:04 PM, August 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I don't live on a reservation, but I have Native American heritage running through my blood and this is all pretty silly to me.
Why today is this an issue and not last year, or ten years ago?
Maybe the college students themselves will have a strong enough voice to win this battle!
At 4:32 PM, August 09, 2005,
Uzz said…
Hey! AoM and I got married in Kennedale!
I think this is just a tired debate and I don't understand what the idiots at the NCAA are trying to accomplish. Why just the playoffs? That is beyond stupid...either do it all the way or don't do it!!!
At 4:54 PM, August 09, 2005,
Gadfly said…
I think that is where the line should be drawn. The Seminoles and the tommahawk chop are used to impart the power of a thing or a people, making both terms of respect for the thing or the people. So, people should shut up about it.
However, the Redskins name has got to go. You wouldn't name a team "The Battling Wops" or the "Fighting Slanteyed Chinks". That is offensive to American Indians and it should be. Change it.
At 5:28 PM, August 09, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
You know, we could start a contest for the most offensive mascot names imaginable. I like the Frugal Jews, personally. For a female version of that team, it could be the Jewish American Princesses.
At 5:50 PM, August 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Fighting Irish...oh wait the Irish don't complain about that one. Maybe the Indians (the ones who complain that is) should just stuff it.
Besides "Indian stereotypes" were chosen because people liked the qualities they possessed. Good fighters, able to live off the land, tough and able to withstand pain, etc... It is a compliment. Besides where does it stop, do they complain next about the Cowboys since cowboys killed many indians. It is very insensitive to remind them of how cattle replaced bison on the continent. Then we will have to get rid of the Eagles and the Bills since those are spiritual symbols for them and we wouldn't want to desecrate them.
It could go on and on. It needs to stop right damn now.
At 6:15 PM, August 09, 2005,
Gadfly said…
If it were the Fighting Irish Drunks or the Fighting Irish Potato Eaters, somebody might have something to say about it.
At 6:21 PM, August 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
And someone might have something to say about the William & Mary Crusaders but this shit has got to stop.
At 7:08 PM, August 09, 2005,
cashin said…
Well I'm only a hop and skip away from the sioux reservation, and frankly...i have no comment.
But if they're going to change the name they should change it to the "Custers" just to spite. Hey the name's been changed hasn't it?
At 7:15 PM, August 09, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Hey cashin, isn't UND the Fighting Sioux? IIRC the have to stay that way if they want to keep their nice new ice hockey arena....
At 12:33 AM, August 10, 2005,
cashin said…
Yes they are, the local native americans are even split on that. Some say it characterizes indians as brutes and savages, others say it's absolutely true and are proud to be part of UND's history as far as a tribe goes. I worded that horribly, but the point is across. haha
At 8:31 AM, August 10, 2005,
Gadfly said…
They're playing lacrosse?
At 9:44 AM, August 15, 2005,
Gadfly said…
"but the point is across"
I guess that was a bit obtuse, wasn't it.
At 7:53 AM, August 03, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Hey I think your absouletly right, I myself an am avid Braves fan and don't see any harm in the name or Tomahawk Chop, The Chop is just something that a whole stadium gets behind to aggrevate the other team.
At 2:06 AM, September 26, 2007,
Anonymous said…
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At 9:28 AM, September 26, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
Some people are a little on the sensitive side. Easily fixed with a delete key.
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