Find me the tar and feathers
This guy makes me sick. It is more than just his haircut , too. Apparently, a female leader crying at the tragedy her state just experienced is just another sign of how pathetic us women are.
I swear to God that I'm not making this up. Even though Haley Barbour cried while doing an interview that I saw with a national news channel, this jerk somehow thinks that the Louisiana governor's tears during a press conference renders her incapable of running the state.
From his blog:
"I'm just kind of curious, what else was everyone expecting? Most women crack under even minor pressure and having thousands of lives at stake in the wake of a natural disaster and knowing that your decisions will likely condemn people to death is a tremendous responsibility."
Ok, yeah. Whatever. Women do, indeed, cry and get emotional, but I challenge anyone to look at the glue that holds this country together and tell me that women are too weak to handle it. Look at all the military wives running their households, look at all the corporations succeeding under women. *shaking my head*
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this is coming from a man who made the comment that the world has gone to hell since women were granted rights.
I swear to God that I'm not making this up. Even though Haley Barbour cried while doing an interview that I saw with a national news channel, this jerk somehow thinks that the Louisiana governor's tears during a press conference renders her incapable of running the state.
From his blog:
"I'm just kind of curious, what else was everyone expecting? Most women crack under even minor pressure and having thousands of lives at stake in the wake of a natural disaster and knowing that your decisions will likely condemn people to death is a tremendous responsibility."
Ok, yeah. Whatever. Women do, indeed, cry and get emotional, but I challenge anyone to look at the glue that holds this country together and tell me that women are too weak to handle it. Look at all the military wives running their households, look at all the corporations succeeding under women. *shaking my head*
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this is coming from a man who made the comment that the world has gone to hell since women were granted rights.
At 1:39 PM, September 01, 2005,
Uzz said…
I am pretty much a hard core conservative, but I tell you one thing...I remember one hell of a female governor who could overcome adversity while smiling the whole time...her name? Ann Richards. I am not sure I would vote for her now, but that is one tough bird!!!
At 3:02 PM, September 01, 2005,
Melinda said…
Yeah, and the day these finger pointers can pass something the size of a bowling ball through a hole the size of a coffee can lid without drug intervention as I have done TWICE (without crying, btw), I *might* be interested in what they have to say about women who are prone to "cracking"...whatever.
At 5:11 PM, September 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Vox lives to piss people off and step on toes. He's a libertarian, which is whiney for "Never happy". *shrug* ignore him.
At 5:47 PM, September 01, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
I don't seem to have problems with most libertarians. I don't know that I've ever agreed with anything this dude has to say. Ignore him, I do. Sometimes, though, you have to point out the asshole who makes the rest of us look bad.
Alli - please tell me you don't agree with this ...
At 7:49 AM, September 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
The picture is about 15 years old. Haven't you figured out it is a joke? LA. gov. holding back relief efforts because she wanted to make sure the Feds. werepaying for it was real gutsy too.
Lamont Cranston
At 10:12 AM, September 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that this is coming from a man who made the comment that the world has gone to hell since women were granted rights.
Just read the "article" in question, and while I disagree with it, your comment is a mischaracterization. The "article" only spoke about women's right to VOTE, not ALL women's rights in general. There's plenty to attack in that "article" without having to resort to making things up.
At 10:49 AM, September 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
I suspect there are probably only about 15 people that read this blog, but nevertheless, you may want to read what he writes before spouting off such idiotic pejoratives, such as those comparing VD to the fact, how about commenting to his response here...we would all love to read and comment on any refutation to his points...
At 12:27 PM, September 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Well this is fun ain't it? Good job AoM. :-)
At 12:38 PM, September 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Only a woman could excuse another woman who, in the highest position in a given government, bawls her eyes out in a moment of crisis when law and order needs to be restored immediately.
At 1:30 PM, September 03, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Given that he doesn't think women should work and that he "doesn't understand" the Southern belief that men shouldn't hit women who are talking back (check his blog archives), I don't think it's limited to just "women shouldn't vote".
At 7:12 PM, September 03, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
I didn't make anything up. I pretty much figured out what he was trying to say. It is pretty clear.
And, I'm really hoping the haircut is a joke, for his wife's sake. However, I wouldn't post a goofy-ass picture of me on my column if I were him.
And, I never claimed to get oodles of hits here, but I have an average of about 485 per day, not 15. You can go check out the site meter.
Comments closed because the dumbass posse is out in full force. People can't play nicely on MY blog, then I'm taking my ball and going home. The welcome mat has been pulled in. Not a democracy here. This is my little piece of the Internet and if you don't like what you find here, go back to being a troll under a bridge instead of here.
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