Army of Mom

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.


No mo ho ho

Thanks to Uzz for taking these photos. The local credit union did a promo to come in and get a free Santa pic for the kiddos, so after school Friday, I traipse the children over there. I even dressed up Stinkerbelle looking all cute in a holiday outfit. But, she fell asleep on the way to the bank. So, she woke up REALLY pissy. Normally, Santa isn't that bad of a guy. But, ooh, not a good look for the girl.

I love the look on Santa's face. He was getting a kick out of this.

Of course, a cookie and a candy cane helped, but she was NOT going back to see that Ho HO guy again.

The boys were happy as usual.

There was Santa, cookies and candy. What could be better than Christmas Day itself?


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