Snake charmer
I was shocked that both of my boys had Christmas parties at school. Not holiday parties, but they actually called them Christmas parties. I like this school so much better than the last one they were at.
The kids did a book exchange and Hot Rod was horrified to get a girls' book on how to make jewelry. Fortunately, a sweet little gal traded him for a book on monsters. :)

He also got a little snake toy from his teacher, which made him incredibly happy. I just hope it isn't an anaconda.
The kids did a book exchange and Hot Rod was horrified to get a girls' book on how to make jewelry. Fortunately, a sweet little gal traded him for a book on monsters. :)

He also got a little snake toy from his teacher, which made him incredibly happy. I just hope it isn't an anaconda.

At 1:04 AM, December 19, 2005,
North Dallas Thirty said…
You can tell this is a truly Christmas-observing school....the poster of the Christmas Frog is prominently displayed in the first photograph! :)
At 7:53 AM, December 19, 2005,
Anonymous said…
That is a really good pic of HotRod!! Hope you guys have a Great Christmas and sorry you can't make my lil' party on Wed.
At 9:23 AM, December 19, 2005,
Army of Mom said…
NDT - *lol* I saw the infamous Christmas frog down LabKat's street and even had my camera at the ready, but alas, it was not illuminated. :(
Chad, I'm sorry, too. AoD and I love Christmas parties and would rather go to your party than have him go spend hours at a referee clinic. Blech.
At 10:46 AM, December 19, 2005,
North Dallas Thirty said…
AoM, you didn't see my blasphemous statement concerning the Christmas Frog, did you? :)
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