I don't know what is wrong with me. I'm in such a good mood that I'm downright giddy and silly and I have no idea what that is all about.
Maybe it is the fact that Pickle is with Uzz this week in Whacko visting his granny and Hot Rod is at daycamp running himself goofy with this friends and Stinkerbelle is happily at preschool with her best friend, M. Maybe it is because I'm getting work done and meeting deadlines - swear to the good Lord that I'm actually making them!!! Maybe it was the afternoon delight I got yesterday (thank you AoD) or maybe it is the fact that I have enough money to pay the bills till at least February!!!
I'm not sure what it is. I could be that Cashin's dodge ball team won first place in their tournament. It could be the groovy new flat screen, flat panel monitor that AoD gave me for Christmas and it freaking rocks and I no longer get headaches from looking at the computer!
I think it is because I'm starting to feel better from this sinus crud I've been fighting AND AoD and I are going out for New Year's Eve. I'm going out with my girlfriends tonight to Karaoke in hopes of crossing one thing off my seven things to do before I die list. Not sure. Maybe it is the fact that my boss (me) is giving me Friday off to spend with AoD adn the kids.
Regardless, I'm in a freaking happy-ass mood. Ok, end of transmission, remember that you Can't Stop the Signal and have a happy new year!!!
Maybe it is the fact that Pickle is with Uzz this week in Whacko visting his granny and Hot Rod is at daycamp running himself goofy with this friends and Stinkerbelle is happily at preschool with her best friend, M. Maybe it is because I'm getting work done and meeting deadlines - swear to the good Lord that I'm actually making them!!! Maybe it was the afternoon delight I got yesterday (thank you AoD) or maybe it is the fact that I have enough money to pay the bills till at least February!!!
I'm not sure what it is. I could be that Cashin's dodge ball team won first place in their tournament. It could be the groovy new flat screen, flat panel monitor that AoD gave me for Christmas and it freaking rocks and I no longer get headaches from looking at the computer!
I think it is because I'm starting to feel better from this sinus crud I've been fighting AND AoD and I are going out for New Year's Eve. I'm going out with my girlfriends tonight to Karaoke in hopes of crossing one thing off my seven things to do before I die list. Not sure. Maybe it is the fact that my boss (me) is giving me Friday off to spend with AoD adn the kids.
Regardless, I'm in a freaking happy-ass mood. Ok, end of transmission, remember that you Can't Stop the Signal and have a happy new year!!!
At 12:14 AM, December 30, 2005,
North Dallas Thirty said…
I think it means that Lab Kat's been sharing her Ambien. :)
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