Last week, Army of Dad and I were invited to a little mixer by some PR folks hosted by Hillwood and
Victory Park at the model home for
The House. We're thinking it is some mixer to showcase the new designs. But, we were soon educated otherwise.

We noticed models for Victory Park and a sign for the event:
The Design Industries Foundation Fighting AIDS (DIFFA), which is the oldest and one of the largest funders of HIV/AIDS service and education programs in the U.S.
Hmm. Looks manly enough entering the foyer. Here is Michael Johnson, Baylor grad and Olympian. On an opposite wall was Lance Armstrong.

We looked at the models for the development and started to notice that the largest population present at the event was gay men.

I didn't even notice that one of the cars in the parking garage was a Ferrari till AoD pointed it out to me.

The Victory Park layout below.

So, we're checking out the swanky digs and the beautiful people everywhere.

Sample bathroom. AoD wasn't sure what the hook on the wall was. It is a pretty tiny towel rack.

A chef prepared sushi in the sample kitchen. Big tubs of wasabe on hand to clear the sinuses.

I have no idea what the gnome's story is, but he was part of the decor.

I thought the chair looked like a martini glass.

A little windblown from hanging out on the patio, but I'm being an olive in the martini glass chair. My cleavage didn't get me anywhere with this crowd.

Digging those pants on the dee-lish little boy toy. He is obviously a kept boy. He got in a Honda at the end of the night. The gal in the fur next to him got into a Jag.

Open bar and hip people.

I kept thinking Queer Eye for the Straight Guy when I looked at this Fab 4.

I think that used to be my mom's comforter in the 70s. It is a guy, by the way.

We spent a great part of the night chatting up these guys. Dean (the blonde) is a nurse and breast cancer researcher. David (the shaved head) is on the DIFFA board. We met their partners and a designer named Dennis (whose partner is Dean's brother) and had a great time. Of course, David was trying his best to get a rise (ew, bad pun) out of Army of Dad by talking up lots of gay things. We were talking about shaved heads and I told David he had a great head to be shaved. He responded " I give great head, too!" while looking Army of Dad in the eye. AoD chuckled politely and once David couldn't get a reaction out of him, he stopped going at the gay references. Was pretty funny. It was almost like once we started talking to Dennis, then we were the "ok heteros" and others came over to talk to us, too.

Part of DIFFA's fundraising endeavors is that selected designers create coats to be modeled and then sold at auction. Dennis (whose picture I didn't get to take and last name I didn't catch) is designing a coat, too. It sounded lovely. But, his description was hilarious. He was using buck skins and was telling AoD that "You know, in East Texas they actually hunt deer! We had to use three hides because they all had bullet holes in them!" He seemed so surprised. Great White Hunter bit his tongue and just nodded even while Dennis told him about how the deer's horns or antlers (whatever) are shed and he used the pieces for buttons, so his jacket is organic. I loved the description. It sounds fabulous. Another coat below.

And, how AoD helped get through the night: free beer.

I have a feeling some boys were drooling. He's a hot one!! But, back off guys, he's all mine! I have to say that I feel so comfortable around gay guys that I had a blast. I've had many really good friends who are gay men, so I guess it just comes naturally for me to just fit in. AoD did a great job, too.