"It's a major award!"
"The old man's eyes boggled, overcome by art."
Now, you, too, can own your very own leg lamp.

If you don't get it, you really need to rent, view or buy A Christmas Story. For some of the best quotes, check this out. Hat tip to Chad for sending this to me.
Addendum: You can get an autographed leg lamp to really illuminate the glow of electric sex in your home, too.
Now, you, too, can own your very own leg lamp.

If you don't get it, you really need to rent, view or buy A Christmas Story. For some of the best quotes, check this out. Hat tip to Chad for sending this to me.
Addendum: You can get an autographed leg lamp to really illuminate the glow of electric sex in your home, too.
At 12:24 AM, January 27, 2006,
cashin said…
Randy lay there like a slug! It was his only defense!
Everytime I hear that when watching the 24 hour marathon on TBS, I almost cry I laugh so hard. What an awesome movie.
At 7:34 AM, January 27, 2006,
Jenni said…
"Frah-gee-lay" It must be French! LOL!
One of my all-time favorite holiday movies!
At 10:05 AM, January 27, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Actually he said it must be Italian.
/movie dork
At 2:17 PM, January 27, 2006,
Swankette said…
If I didn't love my mom so much, I was going to give one to my dad for Christmas.
At 4:42 PM, January 27, 2006,
Army of Mom said…
If I didn't like myself so much, I'd get one. :)
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