Cute overload

If Stinkerbelle's sweet little face isn't enough to give you a cavity, look at big brother holding her while he plays Gameboy. Last week, Hot Rod sang at school and made his mama proud. Check out the parents in the background videotaping the entertainment.

Not much is funnier or cuter than a bunch of first-graders performing. Hot Rod is in the back row, third from left in the red. He was too cute. I cracked up at the kid in the Blockbuster uniform on the front right.

Hot Rod had me "stick his hair up" for the night. I had to wonder what the music teacher as thinking giving him sticks.

Hot Rod looks too happy to have those sticks. And, look a Drew Barrymore wanna-be.

Cute little buddy of Hot Rod's - dopest DJ in town to hold a mic, DJ Dimples - was all pimped out for the occasion. He is so sweet, but he goes from Bruce Banner to The Hulk on the soccer field. I gotta get a picture of that.

Give these kids about six more years and they'll be waving a different finger at the music teacher. But, damn, aren't they cute now?

Hot Rod looked at this picture and said "That little girl sure sings loud." I noticed the little doll next to him and the little chubby girl catty corner to him looking at him longingly. He was pretty studly that night.

They're so cute when they're sleeping.

This one really was asleep. She crawled in to my lap and crashed.

Walk like an Egyptian!

They're all pointing to the people they love. So sweet.

Post-concert. Pickle was aiming his sister's butt cannon. Classy, yes, but he's 11. Adding fart noises while she was sleeping only made him love it more.

Army of Mom's two-headed monster.

Hot Rod and DJ Dimples. Damn my kid is cute.
At 8:42 AM, March 03, 2006,
Lee said…
great kid pics and nice ass on AoD ;) cool SPF!
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