Happy Independence Day, Ya'll!
No, not the one on July 4th. This one is of vast importance if you're a Texan. It is Texas Independence Day when we signed our declaration of independence from Mexico and became the Republic of Texas.
If you're not from Texas, you just can't fully understand the pride of being a Texan. I firmly believe that. I'm sure it is the same way for people of different ethnicities. Or even your faith. It is something to be fiercely proud of.
I am.
According to About Austin.com:
The Republic of Texas was born on March 2, 1836 when a delegation at Washington-on-the-Brazos adopted the Texas Declaration of Independence. Four days later, the Alamo fell to Santa Ana. On March 27, over 300 unarmed Texans were massacred at Goliad. But on April 21 at the Battle of San Jacinto, Santa Ana met defeat and for almost 10 years Texas was an independent nation.
I have taken my family to the Alamo and the San Jacinto monument. Guess we need to plan a trip to Goliad, too, to complete the trifecta. I've been before, but not AoD and the kids.
If you travel just about anywhere in Texas, cities and counties are named after our Texas heroes: Austin, Houston, Bowie and many many more.
Look at the beautiful Texas flag with our Lone Star!

Have a Happy Indpendence Day, Ya'll! *and yes, I do talk like that complete with the Texas twang*
If you're not from Texas, you just can't fully understand the pride of being a Texan. I firmly believe that. I'm sure it is the same way for people of different ethnicities. Or even your faith. It is something to be fiercely proud of.
I am.
According to About Austin.com:
The Republic of Texas was born on March 2, 1836 when a delegation at Washington-on-the-Brazos adopted the Texas Declaration of Independence. Four days later, the Alamo fell to Santa Ana. On March 27, over 300 unarmed Texans were massacred at Goliad. But on April 21 at the Battle of San Jacinto, Santa Ana met defeat and for almost 10 years Texas was an independent nation.
I have taken my family to the Alamo and the San Jacinto monument. Guess we need to plan a trip to Goliad, too, to complete the trifecta. I've been before, but not AoD and the kids.
If you travel just about anywhere in Texas, cities and counties are named after our Texas heroes: Austin, Houston, Bowie and many many more.
Look at the beautiful Texas flag with our Lone Star!

Have a Happy Indpendence Day, Ya'll! *and yes, I do talk like that complete with the Texas twang*
At 11:08 AM, March 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Thanks tons for posting about our Independence Day! I always have to explain to my friends why my father sends me yellow roses for my birthday (today as well). No one seems to get it. I did hear it mentioned on a local radio station this morning though! Also, make sure that the world knows that we are the only state that can fly our state flag at the same height as the US flag. Every other state has to fly their state flag BELOW the stars and stripes. I guess that proves Texas is a country of its own in our hearts!
At 1:04 PM, March 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
*waves a flag*
At 8:38 AM, March 03, 2006,
Army of Mom said…
I knew we had our flag at the same level as the US flag, didn't realize we were the only ones to do that.
Army of Dad was very disconcerted last night when he realized that Texas has its own pledge of allegiance and as children we learn that one AND the US pledge. We do both every day before school starts.
*brings a tear to the eye*
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