The longest day
Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but not by much. The day for the adults started with us going to bed a little before 1 a.m. Army of Dad reffed soccer games Friday night and didn't get home till 11:30 p.m. or so and he vegged a bit with me watching the new Goblet of Fire special features.
Woke up this morning and AoD made breakfast and then had to go ref a soccer game. The kids played with the neighbors and I tried to get the entire day organized and ready to go. Booted the neighbors' kids out of the back yard and took the kids to the soccer field for Hot Rod's soccer game. It was a close game with our kids pulling out a 6-4 victory in the last quarter. Hot Rod played great in goal and on defense.

and the boy moved so quickly, I had the zoom on too big and cut off his head, dammit.

As soon as Hot Rod's game was over, we were off to the baseball fields for tee-ball practice. The baseball folks assign times on the fields, so we go when they're assigned. I made sure AoD had all he needed and left the boys there and took Stinkerbelle to her best friend's birthday party at The Little Gym.

She loved it. This was one of the rare moments when she wasn't attached at the hip to MM, the birthday girl.

Stinkerbelle just followed her everywhere.

And, she LOVED the zip line. She pitched a giant fit when she learned she could only go twice.

She was also macking on the cute boy working at the party.

*wiping a tear from my eye* She's a chip off the old block, but what is the other cliche? Oh yeah, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. ;)
So, from the party, we go to the soccer fields again for Pickle's game. His team played its arch rivals (if 11- and 12-year-olds can have arch rivals).One of our best players wasn't there because of spring break, so we tied 1-1. The goal we allowed was weak and we missed several shots, so it will be better next time. Little Bit gave out on the way to the game and slept for more than three-quarters of the game.

Pickle played pretty good. His best friend plays for the other team.

He plays defense, too. Pickle made a couple of really good plays before the half ended.

and another one caught here.

The kids were up 1-0 at halftime. Not sure what Coach was telling them here.

Then, the post-game "go team" chant. And, see, our team has one giant child on it. The keeper, when he shows up for games, is almost as tall as coach. Amazing how big a 12-year-old can be. Stinkerbelle is going "earth girl" on me, sans shoes and in daddy's arms.

After the game, Pickle's best friend came over to our side of the field - it is sort of a tradition for these boys. He will probably be over here at some point during spring break. He has definitely hit a growth spurt.

Following our games, we headed downtown for dinner at the diner and then to the ice cream parlor for a treat. It is nice to have a small town atmosphere for them. The weather was perfect today. The evening was beautiful and I'm feeling so blessed to have such a great life.
Woke up this morning and AoD made breakfast and then had to go ref a soccer game. The kids played with the neighbors and I tried to get the entire day organized and ready to go. Booted the neighbors' kids out of the back yard and took the kids to the soccer field for Hot Rod's soccer game. It was a close game with our kids pulling out a 6-4 victory in the last quarter. Hot Rod played great in goal and on defense.

and the boy moved so quickly, I had the zoom on too big and cut off his head, dammit.

As soon as Hot Rod's game was over, we were off to the baseball fields for tee-ball practice. The baseball folks assign times on the fields, so we go when they're assigned. I made sure AoD had all he needed and left the boys there and took Stinkerbelle to her best friend's birthday party at The Little Gym.

She loved it. This was one of the rare moments when she wasn't attached at the hip to MM, the birthday girl.

Stinkerbelle just followed her everywhere.

And, she LOVED the zip line. She pitched a giant fit when she learned she could only go twice.

She was also macking on the cute boy working at the party.

*wiping a tear from my eye* She's a chip off the old block, but what is the other cliche? Oh yeah, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. ;)
So, from the party, we go to the soccer fields again for Pickle's game. His team played its arch rivals (if 11- and 12-year-olds can have arch rivals).One of our best players wasn't there because of spring break, so we tied 1-1. The goal we allowed was weak and we missed several shots, so it will be better next time. Little Bit gave out on the way to the game and slept for more than three-quarters of the game.

Pickle played pretty good. His best friend plays for the other team.

He plays defense, too. Pickle made a couple of really good plays before the half ended.

and another one caught here.

The kids were up 1-0 at halftime. Not sure what Coach was telling them here.

Then, the post-game "go team" chant. And, see, our team has one giant child on it. The keeper, when he shows up for games, is almost as tall as coach. Amazing how big a 12-year-old can be. Stinkerbelle is going "earth girl" on me, sans shoes and in daddy's arms.

After the game, Pickle's best friend came over to our side of the field - it is sort of a tradition for these boys. He will probably be over here at some point during spring break. He has definitely hit a growth spurt.

Following our games, we headed downtown for dinner at the diner and then to the ice cream parlor for a treat. It is nice to have a small town atmosphere for them. The weather was perfect today. The evening was beautiful and I'm feeling so blessed to have such a great life.
At 8:43 AM, March 12, 2006,
Unknown said…
hehe, sounds like an eventful and wonderful day
At 9:11 AM, March 12, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Hot Rod is looking more and more like Dad!! Great Pics..... Love Stinkerbelle's "Club" stamp on her hand!!!! Hope to see ya sometime b4 Christmas XX C
At 9:05 AM, March 14, 2006,
Gadfly said…
Look at the focus on Hotrod's face in that first pic. I suspect he gets deeply into his sporting activities.
At 10:08 AM, March 14, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Suspect no longer, that boy might be more competitve than I am. He REALLY hates losing and playing poorly.
He can also recall all of the scores from last soccer season (ended in November) on demand, especially the games we lost.
At 12:46 PM, March 14, 2006,
Army of Mom said…
Oh yeah. There is one kid at soccer camp this week who is SPECTACULAR. I mean, probably one of the best 6- or 7-year-olds I have EVER seen play and he got past Hot Rod and he about lost his grip. Poor kid.
Army of Dad pointed out how much the child has grown from last September. Check out these pics compared to the ones from here.
At 1:08 PM, March 14, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I am surprised he didn't take out the kid in frustration. He has a habit of doing that when kids beat him repeatedly. It is a habit of his I am trying to break, or at least temper.
At 3:41 PM, March 14, 2006,
Gadfly said…
Wow. I'm all in favor of "drive" as a personality trait. God knows, I could have used more than the little bit I was allotted. One wonders, however, where the line is between drive and obsession actually is.
Oh well, just keep an eye on him. If he stays up at night torturing himself for poor play (on a frequent basis), you may want to explain to him that he needs to ease up just a bit.
At 4:17 PM, March 14, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Nah, his fits only last a couple minutes (at the outside), he is usually fine once the ball is back in play.
However, he has been known to line up other players for an especially physical challenge (yeah that's the word, challenge) when they are either getting the best of his team, or being too physical themselves. It is pretty amusing to see a player at his age retaliate when the refs refuse to call fouls. I try I to guess when he is going to do it and talk him out of it ahead of time, but I don't always know when he is getting ticked at poor officiating and rough play.
At 1:54 PM, March 15, 2006,
Army of Mom said…
We have talked to him about letting it go and moving on, doing better next time, etc. etc. He does seem to do pretty well, it just takes him a minute of blowing off steam.
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