Coloring Easter eggs is a longstanding Army of Mom tradition going back to my childhood and even to when I didn't have children. You just have to do it. A fun little twist this year was using eggs from my dad's chickens. You can see them in several shots below. They are a reddish-orange color, so we weren't sure how well they'd color, but they looked great creating very rich shades of turquoise, olive and orange.
I also tried something new and let each child color eggs alone, one at a time. I think it worked out well.

Hot Rod went first. He was very proud of his blue-green egg.

Pickle was next. Both boys did three eggs a piece and were quite satisfied with that. Little Bit, on the other hand, did the remaning dozen and still wanted more. She's like her mom. I love to color eggs.

She likes sitting on the counter, because she doesn't get to do it much.

Three generations of egg colorers.

Eggscitement!!! It is amazing how much joy can be derived from vinegar, hot water and food coloring.
I also tried something new and let each child color eggs alone, one at a time. I think it worked out well.

Hot Rod went first. He was very proud of his blue-green egg.

Pickle was next. Both boys did three eggs a piece and were quite satisfied with that. Little Bit, on the other hand, did the remaning dozen and still wanted more. She's like her mom. I love to color eggs.

She likes sitting on the counter, because she doesn't get to do it much.

Three generations of egg colorers.

Eggscitement!!! It is amazing how much joy can be derived from vinegar, hot water and food coloring.
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