Live long and prosper
Well, we survived the Sci Fi-Comic Book Convention Saturday. We each had our brush with greatness. Pickle's was with his favorite graphic novel creator, Ben Dunn. He wrote a letter to Mr. Dunn with some story ideas and drew some of his characters for him. Mr. Dunn was so impressed with him that he gave him some books and drew him a picture. This was too funny, he was trying to make the "Live Long and Prosper" hand gesture and having some difficulty doing it.

Then, he got it and had a good laugh.

The event wasn't as crowded as previous shows, I didn't think. It had a different feel to it, but it was still a blast.

Sarah Douglas aka Ursa from Superman.

John Wesley Shipp, aka The Flash. He had a really long line.

Cute little supergirl and wonder girl.

Dwight Schultz aka Lt. Reginald Barclay from ST:TNG and A-Team. He said "excuse me" and touched me on the back as he was going to get his lunch. I had to giggle that he touched me. I'm such a dork.

Michael Gross from Family Ties and Tremors. I never saw a line at his table, so he looked pretty bored most of the time, like this shot. I felt sort of bad for him.

Gates McFadden is still pretty. I never saw Denise Crosby, who was supposed to be there. I missed my shot to get a picture of The Punisher guy, too.

Doug Jones, some dude from Hellboy and some fan.

Karen Allen from Raiders of the Lost Ark, Starman, Animal House and Scrooged. She seemed like she was genuinely having fun.

No one has ever looked so happy to be slaughtered by a klingon warrior.

We are a bit of a collage of things. I call this Ensign Naruto Morgan. He is the ST:TNG guy, Naruto from the comic book/cartoon fame and then he has "a little Captain" in him.

Hey, it's me and Alan Ruck (Cameron from Ferris Bueller fame and Spin City, too). I was starstruck. It as bad. I just kept thinking "Hey batter, batta batta, sah-wing batter! He can't hit, he can't hit, sah-wing batter!" It was great. He was very nice, too. I got a lot of comments about the Supermom shirt, too.

My son, of course, can't just meet Jeremy Bulloch and tell him how much he loves Boba Fett. No, no. My son has to tell him how I'm the big Star Trek fan and HE is the big Star Wars fan.

So, he asks Mr. Bulloch if he can take his picture with him. He says, "Absolutely, but no Star Trek fans allowed!" He was very funny. He personalized his autograph to Pickle with "you're cool!" That made his day! The man was very very nice, too.

He ran into a faux Boba Fett on the way out to our car. And, yes, we did a costume change at the midway point out Saturday. I had a phone interview to do for my homeland security story, so we went to the car where I could work on my new laptop *yes, I love it - big kisses to AoD* and he changed out of his Star Trek gear and into his Star Wars shirt. We couldn't lose the Naruto headband. Some comic book artist asked Pickle to trade hats with him. Pickle said no, so the guy said "Well, when I want to wear a kitchen magnet on my head, I'll get back with you!" I laughed hysterically. The humor went over Pickle's head.
There is going to be a big Star Wars fan day in July. I'm trying to make sure we're back from our Minnesota trip in time to take Pickle. Darth Vader is going to be there, so he is stoked.

Then, he got it and had a good laugh.

The event wasn't as crowded as previous shows, I didn't think. It had a different feel to it, but it was still a blast.

Sarah Douglas aka Ursa from Superman.

John Wesley Shipp, aka The Flash. He had a really long line.

Cute little supergirl and wonder girl.

Dwight Schultz aka Lt. Reginald Barclay from ST:TNG and A-Team. He said "excuse me" and touched me on the back as he was going to get his lunch. I had to giggle that he touched me. I'm such a dork.

Michael Gross from Family Ties and Tremors. I never saw a line at his table, so he looked pretty bored most of the time, like this shot. I felt sort of bad for him.

Gates McFadden is still pretty. I never saw Denise Crosby, who was supposed to be there. I missed my shot to get a picture of The Punisher guy, too.

Doug Jones, some dude from Hellboy and some fan.

Karen Allen from Raiders of the Lost Ark, Starman, Animal House and Scrooged. She seemed like she was genuinely having fun.

No one has ever looked so happy to be slaughtered by a klingon warrior.

We are a bit of a collage of things. I call this Ensign Naruto Morgan. He is the ST:TNG guy, Naruto from the comic book/cartoon fame and then he has "a little Captain" in him.

Hey, it's me and Alan Ruck (Cameron from Ferris Bueller fame and Spin City, too). I was starstruck. It as bad. I just kept thinking "Hey batter, batta batta, sah-wing batter! He can't hit, he can't hit, sah-wing batter!" It was great. He was very nice, too. I got a lot of comments about the Supermom shirt, too.

My son, of course, can't just meet Jeremy Bulloch and tell him how much he loves Boba Fett. No, no. My son has to tell him how I'm the big Star Trek fan and HE is the big Star Wars fan.

So, he asks Mr. Bulloch if he can take his picture with him. He says, "Absolutely, but no Star Trek fans allowed!" He was very funny. He personalized his autograph to Pickle with "you're cool!" That made his day! The man was very very nice, too.

He ran into a faux Boba Fett on the way out to our car. And, yes, we did a costume change at the midway point out Saturday. I had a phone interview to do for my homeland security story, so we went to the car where I could work on my new laptop *yes, I love it - big kisses to AoD* and he changed out of his Star Trek gear and into his Star Wars shirt. We couldn't lose the Naruto headband. Some comic book artist asked Pickle to trade hats with him. Pickle said no, so the guy said "Well, when I want to wear a kitchen magnet on my head, I'll get back with you!" I laughed hysterically. The humor went over Pickle's head.
There is going to be a big Star Wars fan day in July. I'm trying to make sure we're back from our Minnesota trip in time to take Pickle. Darth Vader is going to be there, so he is stoked.
At 10:14 AM, May 01, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Looks like you guys keep up the geek pride without me. :)
At 10:20 AM, May 01, 2006,
Army of Mom said…
Yep, you missed out. Not quite on the grand geek scale as past events. But, we tried.
At 12:48 PM, May 01, 2006,
MrsDoF said…
Oh my, a picture of Michael Gross is so worth it! I woulda been in line. He was the best guy in the movie TREMORS.
Thank You!
At 6:29 PM, May 01, 2006,
Melessa Gregg said…
So this is what I'm missing. I SO want to go to that Star Wars convention.
At 6:51 AM, May 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Looks like Boba Fett was scared by a Jedi and soiled his pants!
At 9:02 AM, May 02, 2006,
Army of Mom said…
Yeah, AoD, I noticed that, too. But, I think Boba Fett was just really too busy to do laundry. ;)
At 8:24 PM, June 16, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I just wanted to say that Karen Allen is an amazing female action icon around. If you haven't yet seen the first three of the Indiana Jones trilogy, prepared for the thrill wild ride of your entire life. I'm mean watching Karen Allen's character of Marion Ravenwood doing a lot of these scenes were totally awesome indeed. Actually there were some of them that was so hilarious like when she, Mutt, Oxley and Indy were running from these Russians going into the quick sand while she told Indy that Mutt is actually his son and didn't believe her until now and then they both started to argued while getting inside the truck and Mutt is in the middle of it all . Also driving shot gun was absolutely one of my favorite scene ever and there's another one that looks like a boat and she went going full throttle heading towards into the water rapids and drop three times while Indy gave her the directions or turns . Finally they also have to run down those big giant steps going inside the cave and I think it takes a lot of physical training to do all of their own stunts including Karen Allen herself whom she is in a remarkable shape at her age of 56 come on now .
At 10:21 AM, June 17, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
I loved her in this Indy film. I thought she was hiliarous and fell right back into place. I was happy to see her be the heroine for this movie, too. I really enjoyed it, campy and all. :) And, yeah, she was really cute at the sci fi con.
At 3:33 AM, August 28, 2010,
Anonymous said…
Hey, I want your Gates M pic, but it doesn't work :(
At 10:38 AM, September 11, 2010,
Army of Mom said…
Sorry about the lack of pictures. When Blogger migrated all the blogs to a new server, they never brought my photos with them. Anything before late 2007, I don't have digitally any more because I got a new computer. It frustrates me that Blogger did that, but what do you expect for free?
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