I really don't like people very much. I say that but we coach multiple children's teams, I volunteer doing stuff, etc. etc. But, it is just certain ways people behave, I guess, that makes me angry.
I'm mad at my former sister-in-law for dumping her troubled kid on my mother for a full week without even asking her. Then, telling her that the other two siblings will be staying in addition to brat child for the following week. She didn't care that my mom had a stroke last year and I don't let my mom stay with the kids for more than a day or two at the max. It just wears her out.
Then, I work with two editors for an online real estate website. I write stories three times a week on breaking real estate news (I know, it sounds funny to me, too, that anything realty wise can be breaking news). Well, I didn't see any reason to announce to every editor I work for that I was afraid I had breast cancer. I wouldn't tell it so widely if I didn't feel so anonymous on the blog. But, I digress. I told the editor I was working with earlier in the week to switch my days so I wouldn't neglect the stories while I was stressed at at the doctor's office so much. He was great. Working with another editor today and I know she didn't know, but she sends me this really pissy email about how the competition scooped them on two big Dallas stories the past two days and asking me how we can make sure this doesn't happen again. I wanted to explain to her that I would have a discussion with my boob to not develop severe pain and have symptoms that mimic tumors on a mammogram. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again because God Forbid another website scoop us when I'm afraid my health is in jeopary. Grr. I replied to her with a very apologetic email explaining that I was out of sorts this week and why and that I had it cleared with her colleague. Pphhthphpphtttttt! No, I left off the last part.
About 10 years ago, my brother had a car accident that left him permamently disfigured and almost killed him. At the time, he was throwing papers to make some extra money. Oddly enough in the melee of making sure the hellions were cared for and the family was all there, etc. we forgot to call the newspaper and tell them about the accident. My brother had given all his customers his phone number, so they could reach him about their paper if they needed. One lady called and left the meanest message on the answering machine about how she had missed her paper for three days and went on and on in a hateful manner. I was checking their messages to make sure any family or friends hadn't called to find out the hospital or his progress and I got the message. I was glad it was me and not his wife who got it. I called the lady back and told her what happened and said I'd bring her the papers since they were so important to her. She humbly apologized and said not to worry about it. I told her to call the paper and ask for a credit.
I try to always step back and wonder what someone's circumstances are before I just jump to conclusions. I don't always succeed, but I remember that story and try to ask people if everything is ok before I rip them a new one. Just to make sure.
I'm mad at my former sister-in-law for dumping her troubled kid on my mother for a full week without even asking her. Then, telling her that the other two siblings will be staying in addition to brat child for the following week. She didn't care that my mom had a stroke last year and I don't let my mom stay with the kids for more than a day or two at the max. It just wears her out.
Then, I work with two editors for an online real estate website. I write stories three times a week on breaking real estate news (I know, it sounds funny to me, too, that anything realty wise can be breaking news). Well, I didn't see any reason to announce to every editor I work for that I was afraid I had breast cancer. I wouldn't tell it so widely if I didn't feel so anonymous on the blog. But, I digress. I told the editor I was working with earlier in the week to switch my days so I wouldn't neglect the stories while I was stressed at at the doctor's office so much. He was great. Working with another editor today and I know she didn't know, but she sends me this really pissy email about how the competition scooped them on two big Dallas stories the past two days and asking me how we can make sure this doesn't happen again. I wanted to explain to her that I would have a discussion with my boob to not develop severe pain and have symptoms that mimic tumors on a mammogram. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again because God Forbid another website scoop us when I'm afraid my health is in jeopary. Grr. I replied to her with a very apologetic email explaining that I was out of sorts this week and why and that I had it cleared with her colleague. Pphhthphpphtttttt! No, I left off the last part.
About 10 years ago, my brother had a car accident that left him permamently disfigured and almost killed him. At the time, he was throwing papers to make some extra money. Oddly enough in the melee of making sure the hellions were cared for and the family was all there, etc. we forgot to call the newspaper and tell them about the accident. My brother had given all his customers his phone number, so they could reach him about their paper if they needed. One lady called and left the meanest message on the answering machine about how she had missed her paper for three days and went on and on in a hateful manner. I was checking their messages to make sure any family or friends hadn't called to find out the hospital or his progress and I got the message. I was glad it was me and not his wife who got it. I called the lady back and told her what happened and said I'd bring her the papers since they were so important to her. She humbly apologized and said not to worry about it. I told her to call the paper and ask for a credit.
I try to always step back and wonder what someone's circumstances are before I just jump to conclusions. I don't always succeed, but I remember that story and try to ask people if everything is ok before I rip them a new one. Just to make sure.
At 2:49 PM, June 16, 2006,
Mo K said…
I agree, AoM. It's always a good rule of thumb to assume positive motivation. People tend to jump to conclusions way too quickly. I'd rather be wrong about giving someone the benefit of the doubt rather than appear like a shitheel; esp. if it's someone I may have to interact with again. Trying to repair the damage can be next to impossible. It reminds me of the Stephen Covey analogy about the "emotional bank account", and how we make deposits and withdrawals into our relationships, with the goal being heavy on the deposit side. :-)
At 9:47 PM, June 19, 2006,
Army of Mom said…
That is a good comparison. It is very much the case. I fail miserably in giving folks the benefit of the doubt, but I try as much as I can.
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