Books, songs and frizz, oh my

This reminds me of something from a Dr. Seuss book.
Would you, could on a catwalk?
I would not, could not on a catwalk.
I would not, could not on a boat dock.
I would not, could not wear yellow bows.
I would not, could not look like a frilly ho.
I do not like all the yellow bows.
I do not like them anorexic, I am.
This one inspires a Bon Jovi song.

Shot to the heart and you're to blame, you give fashion a bad name.
This one, another children's story.

I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your bow down. Although I'm guessing there are some guys who are hungry for pork products right about now. Plus, can you imagine this design (minus the stupid print fabric and ridiculous bow in her hair) on a regular person? Our hips would look four feet wide.
And, lastly, this one inspires me for a hair product commercial:

They look like they've either:
A) just got laid and have that mussy hair from getting into it
B) just woke up after a bender the night before
C) have some seriously dry hair