SPF: Muses
Kristine at Random and Odd has battled motivation issues recently, with good reason, and thought that assigning us the following topic may help her search for her own. She gave us:
1. SomeTHING (not someone) that inspires you to do what you do. (work, hobby, donate, create..whatever)
2. Something you don’t like to read about on blogs.
3. Something that inspires you to write on your blog.
I have been battling deadlines, events and allergies this week, so I had to go back to a CD of pics from earlier this year to see what I could come up.
Something that inspires me to work at losing weight: skinny girls.

This is my skinny pharmacist friend. Our girls go to school and play together. She sends me pics of her and the family on the beach and she's so damn cute (nice, too, so I can't even hate her).

Pickle's tennis coach last time. *sigh*
2. Something I don't like to read about on other blogs: the conspiracy theories about 9/11.

This sculpture was made out of scraps from the WTC. I hate to read blogs that rag on the war on terror and how they think Bush knew about the attacks, etc. I just think it is counterproductive.
3. Something that inspires me to write about on my blog.

I love the funny moments in life. I like to capture images that make the reader smile or think. I like to do that with my posts and stories, too. This was just one of those funny ones at a sci-fi con in October 2005. The baby Chewy was a bit intimidated by R2D2, I think.
So, did you play?
1. SomeTHING (not someone) that inspires you to do what you do. (work, hobby, donate, create..whatever)
2. Something you don’t like to read about on blogs.
3. Something that inspires you to write on your blog.
I have been battling deadlines, events and allergies this week, so I had to go back to a CD of pics from earlier this year to see what I could come up.
Something that inspires me to work at losing weight: skinny girls.
This is my skinny pharmacist friend. Our girls go to school and play together. She sends me pics of her and the family on the beach and she's so damn cute (nice, too, so I can't even hate her).
Pickle's tennis coach last time. *sigh*
2. Something I don't like to read about on other blogs: the conspiracy theories about 9/11.
This sculpture was made out of scraps from the WTC. I hate to read blogs that rag on the war on terror and how they think Bush knew about the attacks, etc. I just think it is counterproductive.
3. Something that inspires me to write about on my blog.
I love the funny moments in life. I like to capture images that make the reader smile or think. I like to do that with my posts and stories, too. This was just one of those funny ones at a sci-fi con in October 2005. The baby Chewy was a bit intimidated by R2D2, I think.
So, did you play?
At 6:18 AM, September 29, 2006,
san said…
That's a great SPF... I like your take on #1 ;)
I played.
At 9:04 AM, September 29, 2006,
Jana said…
I love that last picture - that's hilarious!
I played!
At 9:25 AM, September 29, 2006,
Teena in Toronto said…
Great pix! It's fun seeing everyone's interpretations!
Thanks for stopping by mine :)
At 9:38 AM, September 29, 2006,
Gadfly said…
Your pharmacist friend needs a spanking as well ...
But I think her husband might object.
At 9:43 AM, September 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Aaaauhhhh.... it's baby Chewy! Aside from molesting Adam Baldwin and Ray Parks, he has been my favorite of all the comic-cons we've been to.
At 10:39 AM, September 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
That last shot is a classic! So funny. :-)
Happy SPF!
At 10:52 AM, September 29, 2006,
Unknown said…
lmao at r2d2!!
Happy spf
I played
At 11:13 AM, September 29, 2006,
Connie T. said…
I love your pictures. I was inspired to lose weight from this woman I knew. She was thin and I felt like a cow around her, so I vowed to get skinny like her. She always looked great and she inspired me. Now I am skinny like her too. It is funny though, when you do get skinny you have to work at it all the time to stay that way.
I played.
At 12:18 PM, September 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I definitely agree on the last two. I'm starting to get sick of the month of September because of all the crap people throw around about 9/11. Focus people. Make life better.
I played.
At 12:54 PM, September 29, 2006,
Suzanne R said…
Very interesting SPF. I especially love that last shot! So cute! Thanks for stopping by mine and your thought-provoking comment.
At 2:15 PM, September 29, 2006,
Lee said…
LOL...that's a great picture at the end..baby chewie is too cute...good comment on what you don't want to see, completely understand your sentinment!
At 2:16 PM, September 29, 2006,
barnmouse said…
Thanks for stopping by mine! :)
At 2:34 PM, September 29, 2006,
Random and Odd said…
I love your pictures. I totally agree about the whole 911 thing too.
You go have fun this weekend!!
At 6:55 PM, September 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I completely agree with #1--although I would love to be skinny and have people hate me too. Thanks for stopping by.
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