Army of Mom

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.


Fall Festivals

The kids have enjoyed some spooky events starting with the Trunk or Treat at Texas Woman's University on Thursday. I took Pickle and Little Bit. It was great. The student organizations actually pulled their cars up and did a "trunk" or treat.

My son macking on the chicks, as usual.

And both kids snagging candy.

I just thought Cruella and the puppies were cute.

Then, I took Hot Rod and Stinkerbelle to a fall festival at a local church Sunday night.

Batman and Cinderella were having a blast. Little Bit's other costume was in the laundry, so we went with the princess gear.

We ran into one of Stinkerbelle's friends, who was dressed as a Doodle Bop. I don't know that show. From what her mom said, I'm lucky.

This one inflatable climbing house looked like a torture device to me. The kids had to shove themselves through these openings. Looked like the big blue bounce house was giving birth to me.

This boy is a danger boy.

They were having such a good time together.

If you can see through the curls, the look on Little Bit's face is a riot.

We have a "get together" at Hot Rod's school on Halloween. We can't call it a party. *rolling my eyes* Not sure what the deal is, but it will be fun. The kids are excited about trick or treating. I just have to figure out where I'm going to hide their candy.


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