Who needs pictures?

Funny how an attractive guy can look good even in a wife beater. The handsome and talented Brad Paisley is the reason I love current country music. I would have never even given it another listen, but Army of Dad introduced me to it. His lyrics are clever and entertaining he's a great performer, too. It doesn't hurt that he's easy on the eyes, as well.

At 11:02 PM, February 20, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Having Met Him and his very cute wife Kim, i must say he is the funniest guy i have ever talked to in the business
Contrast that with Tim Mcgraw , who i grew up with, who is a total asshat
At 7:30 AM, February 21, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
He seems like a genuinely nice guy and his wife is a doll. It is nice to see people who don't let show business go to their heads.
I've noticed that Tim McGraw seems like a tool. Still like his music, but ....
At 8:41 AM, February 21, 2007,
Jenni said…
His song "Alcohol" is my sweetie's favorite country song at the moment. He's a total hottie and talented too...yum! :)
At 9:35 AM, February 21, 2007,
Gadfly said…
Well, I was going to call him a pole smoker ...
But everybody is speaking so well of him, now I kinda wish I liked country music O_o
At 9:56 AM, February 21, 2007,
Unknown said…
Oooh I lurve me some Brad Paisley
At 11:26 PM, February 21, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the pick-me-up! He is the best looking country artist out there. He and his wife are both precious. Have you seen any pics of their baby? She was really pregnant at one of the last award shows I saw.
At 1:08 AM, February 23, 2007,
Mo K said…
Brad is a hunk, in a clean-cut, regular kinda guy way. I like that. Love the fun lyrics of his songs, too.
Didn't know that stuff about McGraw. Featured him as one of my first Tues. hunks. He's easy on the eyes, that's for sure. Later on I saw that he was thinking of running for political office one day, as a Democrat. ;-p
Whoa, Gadfly! Sure you're not thinking of Kenny Chesney? ;-) BTW, he SWEARS he's not.
At 7:09 AM, February 23, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
I have heard the rumors about Kenny Chesney and read the article where he swears he isn't gay. (not that there is anything wrong with that, courtesy of Seinfeld).
But, I would like to hold on to my fantasy that I could score with Kenny Chesney without him fantasizing about Army of Dad. ;) Sorry AoD, I know that just grossed you out.
At 8:41 AM, February 23, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, that grossed me out.
At 5:14 PM, February 25, 2007,
Kim du Toit said…
Looks gay to me.
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