First game tonight and Wowee, the other team stunk even worse than our team tonight! Woo hoo. We actually won 7-2. We were convinced that we'd be trounced, so it was a sweet victory. The kids didn't do too badly and I wound up pitching pretty well. I was pretty pleased with myself. Here is Hot Rod playing shortstop.

Here is Hot Rod post-game getting a "game sticker." We give out a game ball and then a few helmet stickers, too. Hot Rod got one for his outstanding offense. Maybe this season won't be as bad as I feared it would be. We'll see.

This was actually post-game, but I didn't get it in the right order and didn't want to fix it all. Sue me. AoD is the head coach and we have assistant coach Stud Boy there with him.

Pickle took the camera during the game and it was really fun to see what he came up with. He took this picture of the boys getting ready to bat. I thought this was precious.

Photo by Pickle.

Probably the funniest picture that Pickle took. This one was taken after Hot Rod scored a run. He went three for three and scored three of our seven runs.
At 10:38 AM, March 29, 2007,
Kelly said…
I love Little League! I'm glad they did so well to start, that should encourage them for the rest of the season!
You pitched - WOW, I'm impressed!
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