Has it been nine years already?

I still find it hard to believe that nine years ago, that fresh-faced Army JAG Corps specialist made me his wife. It was just about a month earlier that we decided to get married. We were at Luby's (the infamous one in Killeen where the psycho drove his car in and started shooting people several years before) when we discussed it and decided to do it pretty much on the spur of the moment.
I vividly remember us breaking up about two weeks before we were married. Ok, I broke up with him. He was younger than I, and I was convinced when he "grew up" that he wouldn't want me anymore and I didn't want to ruin his life. I tried to talk him out of marrying me because I loved him THAT much. I feared that five to 10 years down the line that he would feel like he made the biggest mistake of his life and I told him so. He was really mad at me for that. But, I couldn't stay away.
I knew I loved this man more than anything. From the moment I laid eyes on him, I thought he was the most handsome man I'd ever seen. I never felt safer before than I did with him. It didn't matter what the circumstances, I knew if he was there, I was safe. I loved that feeling. We were secure with one another. That security allowed us to have our own friends and our own interests independent of one another. We were able to continue growing and keeping each other interested.
I never thought it could be possible, but I love him more today than I did nine years ago. We understand each other better. I know when to leave him alone (for the most part) and he knows when to give me space and when to wrap his arms around me and reassure me that everything is going to be ok.
While he rags on my Cowboys, I cheer for his Vikings. I have become a Gators fan, too. I look at my beloved Hot Rod and see his daddy is everything he does. I love to watch my children and how much they love their dad and I can see his love for them in his eyes. There is something amazingly appealing to me in a man who loves his children. More than anything I think I love how responsible he is. Unfailing. Tireless. He can be romantic at the damnedest times. I'll use his car for some outing with a girlfriend and he'll put a CD in with a special song on for me and I'm usually in tears before I even reach my destination because I know he had to think about it. My favorite was Garth Brook's "She's Every Woman."
I vividly remember us breaking up about two weeks before we were married. Ok, I broke up with him. He was younger than I, and I was convinced when he "grew up" that he wouldn't want me anymore and I didn't want to ruin his life. I tried to talk him out of marrying me because I loved him THAT much. I feared that five to 10 years down the line that he would feel like he made the biggest mistake of his life and I told him so. He was really mad at me for that. But, I couldn't stay away.

I never thought it could be possible, but I love him more today than I did nine years ago. We understand each other better. I know when to leave him alone (for the most part) and he knows when to give me space and when to wrap his arms around me and reassure me that everything is going to be ok.
While he rags on my Cowboys, I cheer for his Vikings. I have become a Gators fan, too. I look at my beloved Hot Rod and see his daddy is everything he does. I love to watch my children and how much they love their dad and I can see his love for them in his eyes. There is something amazingly appealing to me in a man who loves his children. More than anything I think I love how responsible he is. Unfailing. Tireless. He can be romantic at the damnedest times. I'll use his car for some outing with a girlfriend and he'll put a CD in with a special song on for me and I'm usually in tears before I even reach my destination because I know he had to think about it. My favorite was Garth Brook's "She's Every Woman."
She's sun and rain, she's fire and ice
A little crazy but it's nice
And when she gets mad,
you best leave her alone
'Cause she'll rage just like a river
Then she'll beg you to forgive her
She's every woman that I've ever known
She's so New York and then L.A. (ok, changes these words to Kennedale and Fort Worth)
And every town along the way
She's every place that I've never been
She's makin love on rainy nights
She's a stroll through Christmas lights
And she's everything I want to do again
It needs no explanation
'Cause it all makes perfect sense
For when it comes down to temptation
She's on both sides of the fence
No it needs no explanation
'Cause it all makes perfect sense
When it comes down to temptation
She's on both sides of the fence
She's anything but typical
She's so unpredictable
Oh but even at her worst it ain't that bad
She's as real as real can be
And she's every fantasy
Lord she's every lover that I've ever had
And she's every lover that I've never had
He demonstrates his love in his actions: digging out the drains in the backyard in 40-degree rain that is two inches deep already; staying up late to spray the kitchen for termites when he is dead on his feet after working an eight-hour day and then reffing two consecutive soccer games for more than three hours of running back and forth; driving me and a week-old baby to the children's hospital in Fort Worth at 4 a.m. in a rain storm to make sure the baby's circumcision isn't getting infected; driving 45 minutes to and from a job he doesn't care for and putting up with stupid crap, so we can have a decent life; and many many more ways.
I don't think I can adequately put into words how much I love him. As much as he drives me crazy, the passion and love are even more intense. His family wasn't thrilled about me when he announced our engagement, not that I blame them, I wouldn't have been the choice for him either had he been my son. That made this song one that often reminds me of our limited courtship. I often felt if his family had any idea who much I loved him, then they would know I was the right one for him. His mom knew and I loved her fromt the start because of her support from the beginning. He had surgery the January after I met him and I took care of him through it all and kept her updated on everything. She told me later that she knew I was the right girl for him at that point - I took care of her baby when she couldn't. How could I not love the family that brought this wonderful man into the world. I hope he knows how much I love him. I think he does.
I don't think I can adequately put into words how much I love him. As much as he drives me crazy, the passion and love are even more intense. His family wasn't thrilled about me when he announced our engagement, not that I blame them, I wouldn't have been the choice for him either had he been my son. That made this song one that often reminds me of our limited courtship. I often felt if his family had any idea who much I loved him, then they would know I was the right one for him. His mom knew and I loved her fromt the start because of her support from the beginning. He had surgery the January after I met him and I took care of him through it all and kept her updated on everything. She told me later that she knew I was the right girl for him at that point - I took care of her baby when she couldn't. How could I not love the family that brought this wonderful man into the world. I hope he knows how much I love him. I think he does.
Happy anniversary, sweetheart. I treasure you more than anything in the world.
At 5:47 AM, March 27, 2007,
Anonymous said…
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! You know that man loves you, too--he spilled cranberry juice in your minivan so you could "mom your ride." If that doesn't say love, what does?! I still remember the day you two called to say you were getting married. Only thing I don't remember is ALL THAT HAIR on my brother!! I guess he's been shaving his head for so many years I forgot what he looks like with it.
Thanks for joining our family 9 years ago and thanks for making my brother so stinkin' happy!
Here's to a termite free anniversary! Love, blessed-with-3
At 7:45 AM, March 27, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Thank you for being my wife.
I love you!
At 9:42 AM, March 27, 2007,
Jenni said…
Congratulations to you guys for making it this far! I raise a glass in the hopes that you'll have many more anniversaries to come! :)
At 12:05 PM, March 27, 2007,
Anonymous said…
yep, I'll say it again... you are the man for my "JJ", God bless you both on this special day and thanks for joining our kooky family (you met most of them at the reunion last summer!!)
At 1:49 PM, March 27, 2007,
Kelly said…
Happy 9th Anniversary and many more to come!
At 7:36 PM, April 01, 2007,
Anonymous said…
9 years already? Sheesh I'm old. I was there in the beginning and remember how Tonie would light up the newsroom after the two of them started dating. You two are great together and I hope to find that same happiness someday... maybe with a girl 10 years my junior ;)
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