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At 7:42 AM, March 15, 2007,
Unknown said…
I need one of those too that's awesome
At 9:57 AM, March 15, 2007,
Gadfly said…
that rocks ... in a really geeky way. but I want one
At 2:59 AM, March 16, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Maybe by the time your birthday rolls around, I'll be employed. :)
At 9:00 AM, March 16, 2007,
Wendy said…
I totally need that too! Love it!
At 1:04 PM, March 17, 2007,
Mo K said…
Would you believe I have that one? I've only worn it once! I can so see that one for you, AoM.
Dontcha just love "Think Geek"? I had to get the "Geek Love Poem" T-shirt last Feb. Thing is, hardly anyone "gets" it. Guess that's what makes it fun. The programmers and video game folks will, or anyone who's kept up with geek culture.
At 10:40 PM, March 18, 2007,
Random and Odd said…
I got that shirt too. I have in my 'skinny' clothes pile because that sucker shrunk WAY up.
I also have the one that says, "No I will not fix your computer."
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