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At 10:32 AM, March 16, 2007,
Cultmember said…
Yes, it's a modern-day gladiatorial combat where the contestants, if they don't die or get too injured, receive deals with Tide and Kentucky Fried Chicken. This is the direction in which our country should be turning.
cocomonkey cult
At 2:27 PM, March 16, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
Comparing it to the Gladiators is probably pretty accurate. And, while I realize you're trying to insult me and, apparently the entire country, I won't bite. I love to watch racing. There is a tremendous amount of skill and strategy involved in maneuvering on the track.
Let me guess, you don't like hockey or UFC either, huh?
At 10:50 AM, March 18, 2007,
Cultmember said…
But they're machines. They could be large remote control cars and nobody would know, and I agree that there is a great deal of skill involved in driving, but some races go for more than five hundred laps. how is it possible to watch this? It's like a cat watching a ball of string roll around the room. And what is UFC?
At 8:09 PM, March 18, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
Apparently, you've never watched a race. The 500 stands for miles. Most tracks are 1.5 miles or more, so there are only a couple hundred laps and when you're driving more than 120 mph and sometimes 185 mph, it only takes a few hours to complete the laps.
As far as watching, to each his own. I didn't think I'd like it until I went to a race and then I fell in love with it. The trick, I found, is to pick one or two racers and really watch them. You can see how they maneuver to get in position, block people out, etc.
UFC - Ultimate Fight Challenge. It is mixed martial arts fighting.
At 7:38 AM, March 19, 2007,
Trixie said…
NASCAR is worth watching. I agree...going to a race is the best part. You get so much more out of it.
Like the pic of Kasey. Have you seen his new All State commercial where he is pulled over??? Very Hot!
Not big fans of Jimmie and Jeff, but they are easy on the eyes.
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