With Holy Week upon us, the joy of the Easter season brings to the forefront all those wonderful blessings in my life while reminding us about sacrifice: namely the one Jesus made for each of us. It couldn't be better experienced for our family (again) this year as Hot Rod prepares for his First Communion next month. Last year, Pickle has his first reconciliation, first communion and was confirmed all in one fell swoop. This year, we're going by the rulebook. Hot Rod had his first reconciliation (confession) a few weeks back. His teacher made it a very special event with a little homile from our new priest, Father Tim, before the children went to do confession one by one. Upon completion, they took their nametags - which symbolized sheep - and placed them at the feet of the shepherd to symbolize that the sheep have now returned to the Good Shepherd.

Hot Rod was very pleased with himself. I would love to have been a fly on the wall for that confession. He only had to say one Hail Mary, so I think that was pretty good.

Here is his teacher pinning him with a little lamb carrying a Christian flag. The pin says: Forgiveness, heals and renews.

That's my boy. This one may have to go to confession a lot, I'm thinking. ;)
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