SPF: Stuff
remember a skit from Saturday Night Live where the gal who did the Delta, Delta, Delta sketch was questioning the campaigning Bill Clinton about where her stuff was. She wanted her stuff and wanted to know when/how he was going to give it to her. It was making fun of his Mtv tour he did and how the dufus college kids were just that: giant dufuses (or is that dufi?) But, I digress. The lovely and neurotic Kristine at Random and Odd is getting rid of her stuff that has been stacking up and assigned our Stuff Portrait Friday: stuff. Whatever our stuff is.
The stuff I feel defines me well is my garden. I love to work in my garden. Tje irises you see in the first photo are some I grew from bulbs sent to me from ArmyWife ToddlerMom. I had blogged about wanting some tulips or something she was growing and she sent me several bulbs. I planted them in my front garden and got this gorgeous multi-colored iris, which is a totally new color for me. I'm so excited.

Unfortunately, I don't make the time to do it as much as I'd like. What I feel like TRULY defines me is the massive piles of laundry that are always around. You can see clean laundry all around. Then, there is the ash from the fireplace (we actually had fires this past weekend) that needs to be cleaned up. There is a topless GI Joe by the basket and by my big bag o' bills. Yippee skippee, that is me most of the time. Photo by Pickle. So, did you play?

At 10:05 PM, April 12, 2007,
Rachelle Jones said…
I am thrilled the iris bloomed thrilled!!
Last summer I went to my Grandparents home. abandon and empty. I found some purple Iris, and dug them up...
I am waiting for them to come up.
Your iris are brighter than mine!! Must be that Texas dirt.
At 8:04 AM, April 13, 2007,
Unknown said…
I think your garden looks great!
Happy SPF and I played too.
At 8:08 AM, April 13, 2007,
Unknown said…
gorgeous garden!
Happy spf :)
At 8:15 AM, April 13, 2007,
MilkMaid said…
OMG, I am SO WITH YOU on the piles and piles of never freaking ending laundry. That picture is soo funny! But sadly, the truth.
I played!
At 8:51 AM, April 13, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Laundry...it is EVERYWHERE!! And I'm the only one that can seem to do it. Last night I did two loads, and you could hardly tell. The floor of the laundry room contains four mountains of clothes. The living room floor contains seven batches of folded piles...one for each family member then a batch of towels/washrags and a batch of kitchen towels/potholders/etc.
It never ever EVER ends. Then there's the Great Sock Divide.
At 9:30 AM, April 13, 2007,
Wendy said…
Your laundry looks like mine! Beautiful garden.
I played.
At 11:08 AM, April 13, 2007,
Random and Odd said…
OH MY GOD! I just want to come help you do laundry, but I have a pile of my own I need to pull my head of out of my arse and do.
LOL. I love that picture though. Funnnnnny stuff!!
At 11:11 AM, April 13, 2007,
Kami said…
Oh dear. That laundry is giving me the shakes.
At 11:17 AM, April 13, 2007,
Kelly said…
I totally could have done Laundry too! I'm in such a funk this week and just don't want to do it!
So, are you saying Delta Delta Delta girls are dufus? ;) Thems fighting words! LOL No, not really!
Love your photos - Happy Friday! I played as you know!
At 12:29 PM, April 13, 2007,
Jenny B said…
Wow, that is a beautiful iris! Good job on such beautiful plants, I am not a green thumb and end up killing most of our plants! Happy Friday. I played.
At 1:34 PM, April 13, 2007,
Jana said…
That looks a lot like my laundry. Two or three loads a day, most days. No one warns you about that.
I played.
At 1:37 PM, April 13, 2007,
tommie said…
love love love your garden....
There are only three of us home now, and I still do at least one load a day. When I switch sheets and towels, add two to three to that!
I played.
happy friday
At 2:22 PM, April 13, 2007,
Suzanne R said…
Beautiful irises -- I think it's great when other people have the green thumb that I don't have. ;-) As for the laundry, I can remember those days so well, when there were 5 of us at home. Now it's just me and the cats, and laundry day still finds me with baskets to do. But at least it's not never-ending, like it was when the boys and Steve were home. Thanks for stopping by!
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