Herding cats
Well, I think God is giving me my Godsmack for all that sinning I've done in my life. My "special" team of soccer kids is forcing me to make a trip to the hairdresser before my actual six weeks. (i.e. my gray hairs are rapidly multiplying)
I have my "special" boy, whom I'm call Stuart. My boy, Stuart, also has a nickname. He is known as the "Dick Grabber." This child can't run down the pitch without holding himself in his hands. Ok, I take that back. He has adopted the "bird" run in which he runs and flaps his arms and yells "I'm a bird." God love him, I genuinely wonder if the child if the child is autistic or has Aspergers Syndrome. With another child, I would talk to the parents and address my concerns. What jades this discussion with his parents? His mom is a pediatrician. Surely, she recognizes this child's symptoms. Perhaps, she just doesn't want to tell me. I just don't know. But, bless his heart, I can't get frustrated with him. I just don't know how to reach him or help him.
But, in addition to Stuart, I have my challenges with the brother and sister team who refuse to listen. The brother is an oversized bully and his sister is just plain stubborn as a mule. She and I had a battle of wills tonight and I have to say that she won. I was out of options. Would you believe we battled over her taking a drink of water? She refused to go get a drink from the water fountain. Flat out refused. I cajoled. I ordered. I tried to be playful and get her to go get a drink. Nothing was going to work with this child. Her brother is pretty similar, but he seems to have more of a desire to excel and will eventually come around to instructions that are given as orders. These children definitely need some discipline, but without any way to back up my words, I'm defeated already. These kids will be the death of me.
Then, I have my poor sweetheart with vision problems. He has one eye that faces a different direction. I would call it a lazy eye, but I don't think that is accurate. He has always worn sunglasses. His mom said they help him see, only I think she does it to obscure the appearance. He took off his sunglasses today and my bully took it upon himself to call attention to sweetheart's eyes. *sigh* So, we had a discussion about how God makes us all different (this is the Baptist Church soccer league) and how we all have something special about us. So, I picked out something cute about each child. I did get a giggle when we did our scripture memory and for John 3:16, one child said Jesus was God's "only forgotten son." It is just funny to hear these little kids reciting scripture.
We ran lots and lots tonight because these kids need to up their endurance. Four minutes seems like a short amount of time to exercise, but when you're competing with nine other kids to get a ball and there are no game stoppages for indoor soccer ... it seems like forever to the kids. Running is easy. The passing drills and shooting drills - well, God help me, it is like herding cats - only harder.
I have my "special" boy, whom I'm call Stuart. My boy, Stuart, also has a nickname. He is known as the "Dick Grabber." This child can't run down the pitch without holding himself in his hands. Ok, I take that back. He has adopted the "bird" run in which he runs and flaps his arms and yells "I'm a bird." God love him, I genuinely wonder if the child if the child is autistic or has Aspergers Syndrome. With another child, I would talk to the parents and address my concerns. What jades this discussion with his parents? His mom is a pediatrician. Surely, she recognizes this child's symptoms. Perhaps, she just doesn't want to tell me. I just don't know. But, bless his heart, I can't get frustrated with him. I just don't know how to reach him or help him.
But, in addition to Stuart, I have my challenges with the brother and sister team who refuse to listen. The brother is an oversized bully and his sister is just plain stubborn as a mule. She and I had a battle of wills tonight and I have to say that she won. I was out of options. Would you believe we battled over her taking a drink of water? She refused to go get a drink from the water fountain. Flat out refused. I cajoled. I ordered. I tried to be playful and get her to go get a drink. Nothing was going to work with this child. Her brother is pretty similar, but he seems to have more of a desire to excel and will eventually come around to instructions that are given as orders. These children definitely need some discipline, but without any way to back up my words, I'm defeated already. These kids will be the death of me.
Then, I have my poor sweetheart with vision problems. He has one eye that faces a different direction. I would call it a lazy eye, but I don't think that is accurate. He has always worn sunglasses. His mom said they help him see, only I think she does it to obscure the appearance. He took off his sunglasses today and my bully took it upon himself to call attention to sweetheart's eyes. *sigh* So, we had a discussion about how God makes us all different (this is the Baptist Church soccer league) and how we all have something special about us. So, I picked out something cute about each child. I did get a giggle when we did our scripture memory and for John 3:16, one child said Jesus was God's "only forgotten son." It is just funny to hear these little kids reciting scripture.
We ran lots and lots tonight because these kids need to up their endurance. Four minutes seems like a short amount of time to exercise, but when you're competing with nine other kids to get a ball and there are no game stoppages for indoor soccer ... it seems like forever to the kids. Running is easy. The passing drills and shooting drills - well, God help me, it is like herding cats - only harder.
At 7:56 AM, June 19, 2007,
Rachelle Jones said…
welcome to my world...
please remember that these kids.....are hard to reach...
so hard....
and social situations seem to heighten situations and behaviors
"the reaction of others", is why we rarely do group BIG social things...
it is too hard on poor old Mom
At 11:12 AM, June 19, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Perhaps it's as simple as Stuart's jock strap not fitting properly.... My child once behaved strangely after getting an immunization (strangest walk you've ever seen). Turns out the bandaid was caught on her pant leg and was pulling hair with each step she took.
At 5:50 PM, June 19, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
I'm hoping LB is right and it is something simple that is impacting this kiddo, but I don't think so. He doesn't seem to be hearing me. That, alone, might make me think he has a hearing problem, but I think it goes deeper than that. And, Army Wife, I think it takes a very strong person to live with that day in and day out. It is hard for me to try and reach this little boy twice a week for an hour at a time. I'm pretty fortunate to have great kids.
At 2:01 PM, June 21, 2007,
Anonymous said…
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At 2:11 PM, June 21, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
I love judgmental people. Passerby, I think you miss the point. I'm not slurring anyone - IMHO - I'm genuinely concerned about these kids. I'm not disparaging these children, I'm simply concerned about them. And, you apparently, have never had dealings with someone who has become dehydrated. I have a friend who almost lost her husband b/c he was dehydrated and he is an adult. If a child is in MY care, which these children are, I'm not going to let something detrimental happen to one of them to teach them the "natural consequences" of their actions.
Apparently, you should just be glad I don't coach your child.
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