Yep, the Harry Potter Book 7 countdown has begun. The journalist in me turns up her nose at USA Today, but when it is sitting there in Papa John's and I'm waiting for my pizza, I'll pick it up and read it. (It is a great quick newspaper, but an insult to journalism - yet, that is a post for another time. It may outlast the traditional newspaper, much to my chagrin.) However, right now, it has a great
Everything is Coming up Potter site that has fun stuff from a countdown clock to a write your own ending and mucho amounts of links to other Potter fun stuff.
Scholastic has a great site, too, with games and downloads. My mum-in-law sent me this one
with speculation about what will happen from a faith-based site. There is also a quiz to which
Harry Potter character are you? Me? I'm "dreamy and absent-minded, though you often show startling intelligence. Sometimes you're Luna Lovegood, Harry's spacy acquaintance; at your best, you're Hogwarts headmaster Albus Dumbledore, far more serious-minded than your behavior might imply." hee hee. Luna Lovegood is probably more like me than Dumbledore.
Enjoy. I'll see you Friday night in line with all the other
At 11:34 AM, July 18, 2007,
Kelly said…
Just saw HP 5 last night, and now I'm totally excited! :)
At 11:53 AM, July 18, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
I saw it last week with my oldest boy. I am hoping to go see it again tomorrow with my hubby.
At 12:21 PM, July 18, 2007,
Moi said…
I'm not sure how you are a dork. I pre-ordered the book on Amazon the day they set the release date. Did I say the day? I meant 42 seconds after they announced it.
I am the Queen of the Dorks.
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