Helping wounded soldiers via a hot chick

My buddy, Nick, and his comrades at Ranger Up have launched OPERATION GRIM - a plan to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project by getting Ranger Up's most popular model into Maxim. The whole thing is here with all the details and pictures of a UFC fighter and a rather attractive woman is at Operation Grim. Nick is asking people to send a note to Maxim to ask them to do a spread *snickering at the play on words* on the Ranger Up girl while also raising money for the WWP. You can send a note of your own or follow Nick's sample letter and fill in your name:
Dear Sir or Madame,
I am writing to inform you that we in the military community are strongly urging you to support OPERATION GRIM and PUT GRACE IN MAXIM in order to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project which supports badly wounded soldiers from the international war on terror. We are not asking for charity – we are asking you to put a gorgeous girl and an undefeated MMA fighter and Iraqi vet in your magazine in order to support a tremendous cause. As you are receiving this, millions of active duty, reserve, national guard, veterans of the Armed Forces and patriotic Americans are awaiting your decision. You can read the whole story at: Thank you for your consideration.
Respectfully, Army of Mom reader (for the love of all that is holy, actually put your name here!)
Send your note to
So, what are you waiting for? Oh ok, just open a new tab/window, so you can keep looking at Grace while you type the note, (one handed, if neccesary). Get to it, soldier.
At 8:58 AM, July 13, 2007,
Anonymous said…
So when I am getting the shirt?
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