My children are so excited. We have had two days of sunshine.
Little darlin, it seems like years since its been here. I was driving home from a trip to the store tonight and it was remarkable to see a pretty sunset after almost two months of overcast skies and rain. It was so beautiful driving westbound and seeing this lovely sunset. I had to pull over and take some pictures. Aren't the sunbeams gorgeous?

Then, a little farther down the road, I had to stop again and catch the sun as it dipped below the clouds. I really liked the way the trees framed it, too. I had one of those moments when I wished I had a really nice camera set-up like Uzz.

These clouds were eastbound outside my front yard. They were so pretty with the sunlight reflecting off of them. I tried to get some pictures of our peaches, but it was too late in the evening, so I'll try again tomorrow. Our coaches arrive for the British soccer camp, so that will be fun. This is my third and final year of coordinating the local camp. It is a little bittersweet. I'm going to be glad to be free of the responsibility, but I will miss doing it. These coaches are a riot to be around.
At 8:27 AM, July 08, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Those pictures are gorgeous. We had a beautiful day here, too. It would have been Sarah's 6th birthday and we all agreed Sarah sent a wonderful day so we could know she was safe and well.
At 5:28 PM, July 08, 2007,
Gadfly said…
But as soon as the rain stops, the heat is waiting to pounce on you like a beast :-/
At 9:01 PM, July 08, 2007,
justbarely said…
Wow-those pictures are so beautiful! You really need to do something with them-like frame a couple and group them on a wall or something. Very cool. Thanks for sharing.
At 11:06 AM, July 09, 2007,
Kelly said…
Beautiful! And I somewhat know the feeling - we had a week of rain once with "el nino" and I was so glad to see the sun again, I kept humming that tune!
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