On the run! When I say two, on my shoe. When I say three, on the knee. When I say four, on the floor. When I say five, ah ah ah ah Stayin' Alive, Stayin' Alive. Seriously. These coaches crack me up. They come up with very clever ways to get the soccer players to do the most tedious of drills and get those repetitions that sharpen their skills. There is Hot Rod dribbling the ball and being happy about it. That isn't normal for him. He isn't big on drills, but he is big on playing.

And, then, the Big Mouth shouting "DENMARK" for his World Cup team. You can see the little guy behind him holding his ears. That little fella is on Stinkerbelle's soccer team.

And, my boy: out standing in a field. No, not neccesarily outstanding in a field; you can see where the city didn't mow the fields ahead of time. The grass was wayyyy tooooo high. I called the city parks department office and they sent a crew to mow the fields this afternoon, thankfully. That was nice. There were crosses that just died before they got anywhere near the target because the grass was so high.

This one I like to call the buffet. I'll let you decipher that one.

And, check out Stinkerbelle playing with her hair. I looked up two or three times and she was right with the coaches, holding their hands. My daughter, the flirt.

One of my favorite moments of the camp today was Shaggy (yes, he actually goes by the name - insert Scooby giggle here) being so sweet to this little girl. Little Bit was pretty sweet, too. The little girl was apprehensive, and Little Bit and Coach Shaggy were being very sweet.

Same for Coach Tom with this little guy. He was really not sure what he thought about things and took off several feet from everyone else, so the coach went over to try and persuade him to come back. It is just really nice to see these college aged guys being so sweet and tender to these little kids.
And, playing a game with the kids. You can see Little Bit in the back in her pink skorts. Another day ahead of us in the morning. More fun to be had by all.
At 11:16 AM, July 10, 2007,
Kelly said…
We have guys from Europe come run our soccer camps as well. I love to hear their accents when they yell at Jack! LOL
At 3:17 PM, July 10, 2007,
Gadfly said…
*Scooby giggle*
At 11:53 PM, July 10, 2007,
Uzz said…
there is something funny about kids in big soccer clothes standing in high grass!
Hot Rod looks like he was walking in the rough at Carnoustie...now tell me that isn't an obscure reference!!!
At 4:11 PM, March 24, 2009,
Unknown said…
Hi there.
I have a question to ask you regarding one of your photos, it's quite urgent. Can you email me on nick@radiation.co.nz. Cheers.
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