This summer marked the end of my days as a camp coordinator for the local soccer association. It was bittersweet to say the least. I had been the coordinator for three years and really enjoyed doing it. I think I was pretty good at it, too. Alas, me and my dear husband have struggled with the local soccer association since we started coaching here about eight years ago. We were disappointed with various aspects of the way they ran things, but no one would listen to us. Instead we got reprimanded, punished and lectured. So, we finally stepped down from all our volunteer roles there. Army of Dad quit coaching and I resigned as camp coordinator. I'm going to miss it terribly, just as AoD already misses coaching soccer.

I will still send the kids to camp and we'll probably host a coach just because the kids really enjoy it. If the local soccer association benefits from it, then they're lucky in that respect. I feel like they lost alot with all we gave them. We are gung-ho for any organization we give our time to.

This was the World Cup day at soccer camp this July. Hot Rod was on the Denmark team. We got a downpour during the cup, so the sign got drenched, as did the kids. But, their spirits were clearly not dampened as the smiles can show!

Little Bit loved Coach Tom. He was one of the fellas that stayed with us.

Coach Shaggy and the little kids loved playing in the rain. Not sure if the picture shows it or not, but the rain was coming down sideways and was pretty cold for July. That is Little Bit in the white and red right behind the coach.

Little Bit and Paul love each other. He also played soccer for me on the Upward team. Sweet little boy and a good soccer player.

During the Austin Powers game on Thursday, Hot Rod got to be "Fat Bastard." Of course, the coaches called him the "Fat Scottish Guy" to be a little more G-rated.

Here is the group of Austin Powers. The coaches are the Foxy Brown character of "a whole lotta woman." Too funny.
At 6:26 PM, August 19, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Gotta hand it to Little Bit... girl's got good taste in men.
At 5:43 AM, August 23, 2007,
Lisa said…
I know it's tough. Leaving a soccer association is alot like leaving a church. You love the people but not the issues. Thankfully, we've never had to do that, but if we did I know it would be hard on everyone. It'll payoff in the short run!
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