We've got class

So, let me start this off. I was one of three gals who organized our reunion. We started planning in January and originally hoped for a June reunion. Then, our site fell through. Robyn was getting married in June, I was planning a 50th anniversary party for my parents that month and Kerri was having a pool installed at her home. So, we said, screw it, let's shoot for August. So, we found a great room at Spaghetti Warehouse and we could get it for $15 per person and not have to pay ahead of time. Perfect.
We did simple decorations with green/white pompons, Kerri's cheerleading megaphones and paraphernalia, and old school yearbooks and scrapbooks. We did door prizes of adult products (which were pretty funny, too) and all was well.
After my shitty Friday night with the car burglary, my dear Army of Dad husband wanted to help me loosen up and relax and proceeded to liquour me up. I stood on a chair to get the crowd's attention and it started there with my first comment about dancing on the table for dollar bills. Then, I had my Cosmopolitan. We all talked and visited for about an hour before sitting down to dine. As we were milling about, several people asked me about the one gal who showed up looking like a hillbilly. It was pretty sad, but the gal had a beard. We were all shocked by this and tried to figure out why she didn't go see one of the little Chinese gals at a nail salon and get that stuff waxed off. Another classmate had cancer several years back (we think years of dipping did it to him) and had to speak with one of those voicebox things. He's a performer, so he was still very entertaining and it didn't slow him down one bit. He had a hot wife, too. One of my fellow volleyball players from freshman year was sitting near me. I told her husband how hot I thought she was in school and he proceeded to say that she still looked pretty good "except she has a bit of a stomach." Oooh, no he didn't. Yes, he did. I, apprently, shot him a go to hell look and told him it happens to all of us and walked away. AoD said if looks could kill, that husband would have been dead!

So, I added a hurricane to my drink list to help loosen me up some more.
Back to how prissy I was in school. Kennedale High is the stereotypical small Texas town high school. And, like most classes we had the jocks, the band folks, the potheads, the folks who sort of blended, the pretty girls, etc. I was sitting and talking with the few of the guys that went to our school and it was discussed, yet again, how I was a nice girl and prissy in school. *sigh* I asked a couple of different people if they thought I was prissy and the response was "You drove a porsche!" And, yes, I did for like one year. That doesn't make me prissy, does it? Aw, come on. Does it? So, after a few drinks and no sleep from the night before, I was a little buzzed and flirting and having a good time. Mr. KHS the football stud kept flirting with me and asking me "why weren't you like this in high school?"
So, after we closed down the restaurant, we moved to a pub for karaoke night. My husband's first mistake was opening a tab. Ooh, bad. I fear I lost count, but I think I had three buttery nipples and three or four sex on the beach drinks. I had to teach the girls my toast (if you wanna know it, email me and I'll teach it to you!)
After a couple of drinks, I was ready to sing karoake. I'm standing with AoD while he plays pool when I hear the first few notes of Closer by Nine Inch Nails. I look at AoD and said, I have to go sing this. He sort of shrugged and I turned around and went straight up to the microphone. I picked it up and just started singing. I could hear the audible gasps of my classmates as they are thinking and saying WTF? Booty, the black dude in the T-shirt making hook 'em horns got up and helped me sing for a bit. Then, he sat down and I took that mic and went to sing to the guys I graduated with. I'm not sure what shocked them most - the fact that I sang it or the fact that I knew the words without reading the teleprompter thing.

A fella with a lisp is working at an ice cream shop when a woman comes in (you gotta say his lines with a lisp to make it funnier. It is also frigging hilarious when you're three sheets to the wind.)
Lispy: May I help you?
Woman: Yes, I want a scoop of chocolate.
Lispy: Ma'am, we don't have any thocolate.
Woman: Ok, I want a scoop of chocolate.
Lispy: I'm sorry ma'am, but we don't have any thocolate.
Woman: But, I want some chocolate ice cream.
Lispy: *losing his temper now* Lithen, we have vanilla. We have thrawberry. We don't have thocolate.
Woman: You mean to say, you don't have any chocolate.
Lispy: *really pissed now* Ok, wepeat after me. Is there a van in vanilla?
Woman: Yes, van in vanilla.
Lispy: Ok, good thob. Is there a thraw in thrawberry?
Woman: Yes, there is a straw in strawberry.
Lispy: Is there a fuck in thocolate?
Woman: No, there is no fuck in chocolate.
Lispy: That is what I've been twying to tell you. There is no fuckin thocolate.
I laughed hysterically at this point. I also decided I wanted to sing again. You know, I need to make a total ass out of myself at this point that I have no shame. So, I'm flipping through the song book and my husband is trying to get me to sing Kyle's mom is a bitch. I was not going to sing that song, although I did contemplate singing Chocolate Salty Balls. Even drunk, I decided against it. So, AoD chose another angry slut song and I promptly took the challenge. So, I went to sing You Oughtta Know by Alanis Morrisette. I think it was at this time, he said, that Kerri asked him if I have "always been like this." Apparently, shock and disbelief erupted through the crowd and AoM having a steamy side. Heck, in retrospect, I'm a wee bit disconcerted that I kicked up my heels in such high fashion.
The after action review included me being called Ms. Nine Inch Nails by my fellow class reunion organizers. Ahh, my legacy is now complete. From very nice Most Likely to Stay Sober to Most Likely to Sing Dirty Karaoke Songs ... my work here is done.
At 5:11 PM, August 16, 2007,
Lisa said…
Prissy - adjective...Excessively proper; affectedly correct; prim. Well, I guess I'd rather be prissy than snobby. You were never snobby and always nice ;) I don't know what kind of elected official Fuzzy is, but I just hope the pic of you and him doesn't get out!! Especially since YOUR BRA IS SHOWING!! (Hee Hee) Anyway, glad you got lit and had a good time!
At 5:15 PM, August 16, 2007,
Lisa said…
Where's your hand in that photo of you and Fuzzy? Are you copping a feel?-----Just preparing you for the tabloids!
At 2:32 PM, August 21, 2007,
Anonymous said…
What is it about the 20-year reunion? For some reason, it is the ONE reunion that has a much more electric atmosphere of sex than any other. It was certainly that way with my class -- now having been through a 10, a 20, a 25 and a 30, two years ago.
And it was at the 20 that we had by far the most people making googly eyes at each other, and in a few cases, making asses of themselves -- with their spouses right there in the room!
Gotta tell ya though, AoM, that if I'd have been Fuzzy, I too would have been continually calculating the geography in the room between me, you, and AoD, and making similarly wistful/insipid comments.
Because you're not doing yourself justice--especially given that glorious top you were wearing. In the threesome shot with Kristi/Christy, you're MUCH hotter than the tall girl on your right, and I'd rank it pretty close to a tie between you and the cutie with the glasses on your left/our right.
In all, though, the shots made me sort of squirm remembering our 20th. I still thank God I stayed sober that night (I was emceeing) and then got the hell out of there as soon as I could.
The 25- and 30-year reunions somehow are much more relaxed, much more casual; much less "danger" in the air, if you will.
At 5:41 PM, August 21, 2007,
Army of Mom said…
Thank you, anon, for the very kind words. That is very flattering.
And, it was funny at how different the group was from the 10-year reunion. Everyone was very uptight and still trying to prove something, I think. At this one, we were what we were and most of us were fine with it. I may be a whole lot more woman (physically) than I was when I graduated high school weighing 118, but I feel better about myself and feel more comfortable in my own skin now. :) It is a good feeling.
I'm looking forward to the 25.
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