AoD went to a soccer match and a hockey game broke out

Scary stuff. Although, I don't think anything has freaked me out as much as when some WT *think about the acronym* woman threatened to burn our house down because she was mad at AoD when he reffed her kid's soccer game a few years back. That was really scary. Our town isn't tiny, but it is still pretty much a small town, so it wouldn't be that hard for her to find us.
Another ref incident, not with AoD reffing, but one in which I tried to protect the center ref during a game I was coaching wound up with AoD being threatened. We had a parent (who happens to be a cop) threaten AoD because I told the parent to stop yelling at a referee (who was a middle school age kid). He told me I couldn't tell him what to do and I explained that, as the coach, I was considered responsible for the behavior of the players AND the parents. So, the parent decided to call AoD and threaten him for my behavior and because AoD was backing me up on what I told him. *shaking my head*
People get really scary over something as simple as a game. I know I hate to lose and can get pretty upset about things, but I just can't imagine getting violent toward another person. The only thing I can think of that would do that to me would be if someone was hurting my child. Then, I think I have it in me
At 8:06 PM, October 08, 2007,
Cindy said…
No doubt! I totally agree!
Yikes,'s just a game! And jeeez, don't shoot the messenger!
At 9:09 AM, October 09, 2007,
Anonymous said…
You forgot to mention that WT mom was upset over U8 soccer game. That's right a bunch of seven year olds were playing soccer, she didn't like how I called the game and threatened to burn down my house.
At 9:58 AM, October 09, 2007,
carrie said…
ITA about irate parents. When my husband was calling a HS soccer game he and the other ref had to be escorted to their cars by security after the game. Parents and students of the losing team weren't happy with the calls. It takes a lot to upset my husband but that did it.
Needless to say he hasn't called a game since.
de-lurking for a little while
At 1:35 PM, October 09, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear that.
I am too ornery to stop over stuff liek this.
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