Would any responsible mother out there actually let her child wear this whore-leader costume? Especially with the heavy
Taxi Driver Jodie Foster child prostitute style makeup ... I am pretty open minded, but this just disturbs me. This picture was attached to a promotional email from the local party products store. I'm just thinking there are much better costumes to promote than pirate whoreleader. Yuck.
At 12:29 PM, October 15, 2007,
Kelly said…
I think it is supposed to be a "goth" look, but yeah, not my ideal costume for any child under age 18.
At 4:03 PM, August 14, 2008,
AwayProduction said…
It's an undead/zombie cheerleader. Hence the chopped up legs. I agree that I would never let my child wear this, especially not the make up. But I think that by using such words as "whoreleader", and not knowing what the costume really is, makes you come off rather uneducated. And by appearing uneducated, you are not making a good argument for mothers against children dressing too revealing.
At 4:18 PM, August 14, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
Well, Renita, I would hate to appear uneducated on the undead-zombie cheerleader. I actually have better things to do with my time and energy than study these trashy little costumes for children.
If that makes me unfit to judge the trampiness of the costume, so be it.
At 4:19 PM, August 14, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
Let me add, too, Renita, that my post was tongue-in-cheek. Sorry you didn't "get" the humor.
At 4:23 PM, August 14, 2008,
Anonymous said…
So zombie's can dress up like whores? Strange logic to be sure Renita.
At 8:07 AM, October 18, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
I hate trolls.
At 12:26 PM, October 26, 2008,
Anonymous said…
A troll is someone who posts something rude or inflammatory in order to provoke a response. I think calling children whores for dressing up is par for that course.
I don't know what your problem with the costume is, for my part I was merely relieved to see that it leaves the young lady's ankles decently covered, as propriety demands.
At 6:09 PM, October 26, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
YOu gotta be kidding that you think THAT costume is appropriate for a 5-year-old (that is what the child looks like to me under all that mess of makeup)? Seriously? I think you are messed up and I fret for what your daughter will look like at 13 if she's dressing like that as a little girl. You're setting yourself up for a kid with some serious issues. And, I did NOT call the child a whore. I said the costume is a "whore-leader" costume. Dumbass.
At 1:42 AM, May 17, 2009,
Anonymous said…
...She's entirely covered up. How the hell does a zombie/gothic look equate to being a whore when barely any of her skin is showing?
At 8:17 PM, May 17, 2009,
Army of Mom said…
Well, if you're ok with your daughter looking like a gothed-up Pretty Baby, then, by all means, dress her like that. I think it looks slutty with the makeup and the outfit. *shrug* To each his own.
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