More orange team pictures. Here we have Grandma, little cousin and my group. Hot Rod was much too cool to be seeing Mickey. *rolling my eyes*

These little girls were about to split their faces in half with the giant smiles from meeting Minnie Mouse.

This is probably my favorite picture of all that I took on this trip. The look of pure pleasure on his face is priceless. I loved Minnie giving him this kiss. She was showing everyone the picture he drew in his autograph book of her. Too cute.

The princesses named him Prince Pickle and showed him how to do the princely pose. He was just loving the hot chicks, I think. :) I love how he removed his hat for talking to the ladies. I have taught my Southern gentleman well.

Cinderell as so good. Little Bit was mesmerized.

Snow White even pulled out that high pitched voice while in character. Little Bit was just in heaven to see the princesses.

And the Fairy Godmother was a hit, too. Little Bit told her how beautiful she thought she was. It was very sweet.

And, of course, the Cinderella castle.
At 9:10 AM, November 09, 2007,
Anonymous said…
Stinkerbelle looks WAY too comfortable with the princesses. We are in such big trouble... you know this, right?! :)
At 11:24 AM, November 09, 2007,
Gadfly said…
Hey. Pickle looks positively svelte.
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