Wasting away in Margaritaville
Here is the group of business publication professionals. I'm telling you, I don't think any group other than soldiers can put away the liquor, curse and shoot the shit the way journalists can. Personally, I had three rumrunners. I was almost ready to sing with "Three Dudes." They were rocking the place unplugged style and I was loving it. You can see the dude who had been flirting with me and turning up next to me whenever I sat down. Really amusing as he is a Jewish liberal and I'm a Catholic conservative. We whiled away the time discussing politics, religion, you name it. When he asked me to go have coffee after my three rumrunners, I felt it was in my best interest to invite others along. I got lucky and a crusty old retired soldier and current Kansas City journalist tagged along. I also felt it prudent to show my knife skills and how I carried my knife in my pocket while walking to Baywalk by myself after dark the night before. I know how to make my point, literally. :)
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