What kind of crack were they smoking?

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.
I've got a MAJOR deadline today. I was up till 12:15 a.m. this morning working on it and back up at 5 a.m. I've had one diet coke and I'm on my second cup of coffee. I'm going to be a cross between Twitchy here and Dr. Krunkelhorn.
One of the best things to result from our Disney vacation in October is that my middle kiddo, Hot Rod, now has an affinity for Aerosmith. After riding the Rock N Roller Coaster, he loves 'em. This song was on the radio tonight and he was loving it. :)
More hot chicks for the guys out there. Yeah, yeah. You're welcome. I do like this song, though. I've been informed that I need to relax the hormones a bit on the blog. I'm sure my inlaws, my ex and LabKat will be happy with that. :) I had two more compliment stoday that made me very happy. First off, my worst critic and biggest fan (my mother) told me I looked like I lost weight. I gotta like that, but I think it is the boots and slacks that I was wearing. It is a good outfit. Then, one of the security guards at the federal building where cracked me up. My minivan needs a new belt and is whistling. While he was checking my DL, I said that I couldn't sneak up on anyone with the car whistling. He smiled and said, well, of course its whistling. Looks who's driving the car and you'll know why its whistling. :) That was pretty clever. I shoulda slipped him a tip for that one. :)
Damn. If I had this girl's body, I don't think I'd ever wear clothes. *sigh* I did get ego strokes this weekend being told that I don't look my age. That was nice.
This is my kids' favorite thing. We got Season 1 of the Muppet Show on DVD for Christmas and this is on there. They love it. I can't wait to get Season 2 on DVD.
I had this giant poster of David Lee Roth over my bed when I was in junior high. One of the first albums I bought was Van Halen one with this and Running with the Devil. Hee hee. My first sex dream was about David Lee Roth. LOL
I am having a crappy day so far. Too much work, not enough time and again, dishes overflowing in the sink. My own personal honey-do list is about to be on its second page and it isn't getting done any time soon either. Dunno. The thought "I don't feel tardy" just popped into my head with all that on my mind.
I loved this song, as cheesey as it is/was. It always makes me giggle. Especially when I remember right after it came out - I worked at a local newspaper and one of the reporters there had this hunky teenaged son. I had just started working there when he knocked on the newsroom door and asked for my fellow reporter. I went to her and said "Hey, there is hunky guy out here to see you." She came back in smiling. "That hunky dude is my son." I must have turned 18 shades of red. He was hunky, though. He later stripped his way through college if I remember correctly.
OHMIGOD!!!! The dork in me just about peed her pants!!!! I have a new movie to look forward to. I know where I will be on Christmas Day. And, I'll be damned if Karl Urban isn't going to be in this movie, too. *fanning self*
This was one of those songs that I loved because it was "bad" and I was a good girl. I felt very naughty singing this in my car while driving down the road. It allowed me have a bit of a naughty streak without anyone else knowing. Then, I got to college and the naughty streak came out. Not a good idea to completely repress your teenager; just a thought. It catches up with us when we get our freedom. Plus, this song reminds me of seeing two vultures doing it on top of a phone pole the other day. Swear to God. Two vultures going at it on top of a phone pole. I almost drove off the road. That is something you don't see every day.
It's not the official Lovestoned video by Justin Timberlake, but you can still here the great song and look at the cutie patootey, if you so desire. I LOVE this guy and this song. I'm so cheesey. Sue me.
Just like on Sesame Street when you have to pick the item that just doesn't belong with the others: this poor dad stuck out like a sore thumb. This was about as excited as he got. Most of the time, his head was down and he looked like he would rather be rubbing ground glass in his eyes than be here. Little Bit started her first combination class of ballet and tap yesterday and I fretted over how to keep Hot Rod entertained for an hour of this stuff. But, my worries were for naught when we saw the miserable dad across the room. Hot Rod rolled in laughter at this poor dad trying to keep from gouging his eyeballs out after an hour of ballet and tap with 4-, 5- and 6-year-olds. But, you can hear the incessant taps that lasted for 30 minutes. I had a headache by the end of class.
Oooh, cheesey music. I love this shit!!! I am embarrassed to say I actually owned this on a cassette. I had to hide it from Uzz because he would have burned it. I hadn't thought about this song in years, but Drawn Together made a reference to it and it made me giggle. The white dude in the video with the bobbed hair and George Michael 5 o'clock shadow looks like my roomie from my freshman year at Baylor (minus the razor stubble). Sort of creepy. But, I still can't help singing Tick Tock, you don't stop.
I heard this song on the road tonight and just had to crank up the radio. I love it. I went through a phase when I was about 15 when I listened to Bob Marley and Jimmy Cliff ALOT. Just brought back a lot of happy memories of making my mom nuts. She loved me listening to Van Halen and Rick Springfield, but this music just made her nuts. Probably why I liked it so much. Plus, it wasn't in vogue at the time either, being about five to 10 years (give or take) past its prime.
I know people are beginning to wonder if I've curled into a post-holiday fetal position in the corner of my home office. I've gotten a few emails from people asking where all the blog posts are and I don't have much of an answer. I'm overwhelmed with work and family commitments. I'm feeling under the weather with allergies, too. I thought I'd post an upbeat little ditty, but instead, I'm posting this really good Everclear song about how children in divorcing families feel. *sigh* Yeah, leave it to me to do something positive. Gees. On a high note, after two months of sporadic reading, I finally finished Stephen King's "It."
I'm addicted. I heard this song for the first time at Chuck E. Cheese when the big old mousey guy was dancing with the kids. Now, I hear it at the UNT basketball games. It is so much fun to do with the kids. Radio Disney plays it, too.
Criss Cross
Cha cha real slow
now Charlie Brown (Pickle is good at this!)
Enjoy and get off your ass!
This song came out while I was dating Army of Dad and it always reminds me of that time in my life. I was recently divorced and a single mom struggling to keep my head above water. Long Day was the way I felt - "pull out some hope for me." Then, when I met AoD, the line about "no one else will take this shit from me" seemed particularly appropriate added to the "I can't get myself to go away." I've always battled with myself; it's hard to explain, but if you know me, you understand. Good tune.
One of my all-time favorite songs. *giggling* I can't help but dance and sing when I hear it. Be afraid. I was going to post the music video, but they censored the best part and the video is a wee bit disturbing. I know. You're all shocked. Me. Disturbing videos. Sex theme. Pattern?