Inside AoM's Studio
Something about Inside the Actors Studio is sort of amusing. There are times I like to watch it, although not very often.
I do like the stupid questions he asks. I thought I might try and give it a go. According the Wikipedia entry about it, these are the top 10 questions asked of actors by James Lipton:
What is your favorite word? mom
What is your least favorite word? cunt
What turns you on? a light breath or blow on my neck, among other things
What turns you off? bad breath
What sound or noise do you love? the sound of AoD locking the door to our bedroom suite because it means something good is about to happen and he doesn't want to be interrupted by children
What sound or noise do you hate? the crashing of cars or AoD using the remote to flip through channels
What is your favorite curse word? probably the F-bomb, although I'm a wordsmith with cursing
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? journalism teacher
What profession would you not like to do? pretty much anything Mike Rowe does on Dirty Jobs
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? See, that was painless. Welcome, come on in.
Anyone else wanna play along? Do so and let me know in the comment thread.
I do like the stupid questions he asks. I thought I might try and give it a go. According the Wikipedia entry about it, these are the top 10 questions asked of actors by James Lipton:
What is your favorite word? mom
What is your least favorite word? cunt
What turns you on? a light breath or blow on my neck, among other things
What turns you off? bad breath
What sound or noise do you love? the sound of AoD locking the door to our bedroom suite because it means something good is about to happen and he doesn't want to be interrupted by children
What sound or noise do you hate? the crashing of cars or AoD using the remote to flip through channels
What is your favorite curse word? probably the F-bomb, although I'm a wordsmith with cursing
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? journalism teacher
What profession would you not like to do? pretty much anything Mike Rowe does on Dirty Jobs
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? See, that was painless. Welcome, come on in.
Anyone else wanna play along? Do so and let me know in the comment thread.
At 9:56 AM, January 24, 2008,
Anonymous said…
What is your favorite word? dad
What is your least favorite word? irregardless.
What turns you on? anything, I'm male
What turns you off? women that choose to look like kids.
What sound or noise do you love? The sound of a helicopter that I have fixed taking off on a mission to save someone's life (I work EMS helicopters).
What sound or noise do you hate? that particular cry when a child is in serious pain.
What is your favorite curse word? A@@.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Chef.
What profession would you not like to do? Policeman, I cannot tolerate stupid.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Your family misses you, but you will see them after a while.
At 12:51 PM, January 25, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
For women everywhere, Rob, you are our hero for your "turn off" listed here. Those of us pushing 40 appreciate that there are some men out there who appreciate us for where we are in life. Trick is this, women have to accept that we are at a certain point in life and we can still be sexy as hell even with a few stretch marks and some cottage cheese thighs. :) Men are alot more forgiving of those things if you've got the right attitude!
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