Me, myself and I

Its just Me, Myself and I. I joined a writers' organization a few months ago and somehow landed on its board of directors. I wasn't fond of my last mug shot - technically nice as it was, I didn't like the way I looked. Hell, I seldom like the way I look. But, this isn't bad. Just weird to see myself without my glasses.
At 12:22 PM, March 15, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I think it is a very nice, conservative, picture of you. Although, most of the pictures that you post are not all that conservative. (lol) Not that the men mind that. Your Mom will probably want a copy of this one. (I really need to take her out to lunch)Is she up for that, do ya' think? Dion
At 1:56 PM, March 15, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Well, if you seldom like the way you look . . . trust me, your hundreds (thousands?) of male Web admirers have a much more positive opinion.
At 4:42 PM, March 15, 2008,
Army of Mom said…
Thank you, both, for the kind words. Army of Dad gives me grief for not being more self-confident in my looks. *shrug* I consider it a result of having cancer in my face as a child. I was pretty confident before that. But, it isn't a bad picture of me, I suppose.
At 12:12 PM, March 16, 2008,
Mo K said…
I think you look fabulous, girlfriend! With or without glasses. You have gorgeous eyes, beautiful hair.... Got it goin' on, chickie!
At 5:32 PM, March 18, 2008,
Submariner said…
Mom, you're a babe with or without specs. And the little bit of attitude you write with just makes you more alluring, dude ;-)
Hope Dad knows how lucky he is.
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