On the way to Houston last week, we enjoyed the beauty of the wildflowers along I-45. It was incredibly gorgeous. We had time, so we stopped to let my hyper children romp through the flowers. Hot Rod read some books about Indian Paintbrush (the red flower he's holding) and bluebonnets, too. So, he was excited to see the flowers up close. Pickle missed out on the fun because he didn't want to get behind at school by missing two days. Pretty mature choice for the seventh-grader.

Little Bit loves flowers and loves to have her picture made, so it was a perfect combination.

Then, there is the giant statue of Texas hero, Sam Houston. You can see the little bitty Hot Rod, Stinkerbelle and Granny under his feet. Little Bit kept running around back and saying she saw his underwear. *shaking my head*

And, of course, my little nose miners. Or is it nose minors? LOL. I mean, come on ... what child can resist? More pictures to come on other parts of the trip.
At 2:25 PM, April 09, 2008,
Anonymous said…
You HAVE to send that last pic to "Caption This."
At 8:29 AM, April 10, 2008,
Submariner said…
Concur with Dwight on the last pic (or should I say "pick"). They'll be famous! and think of what you'll be able to put in their scrap books! (You just might have to censure first, though.) LOL
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